Year: 2017

The never ending cycle of WRUP

What the fuck is wrong with the video game industry? I can somewhat deal with a packed Christmas release window by spacing things out, but now they start the year in January? Isn’t that against the spirit of 4iF? Yakuza 0 and Nioh are both amazing. Then there is For Honor, Halo Wars 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 7, Sniper Elite 4, NieR and Ghost Recon Wildlands? WHY, WHO, HOW? (Oh, and the new Zelda for people who care about that shit) Read more

Twinstiq Game Club Plays: Abzu

Hey guys it's me, Scrooloose. Welcome to another round of the Twinstiq Game Club. Ive been very busy playing many important video games and other things like: working and spending time with family members over the holidays so I haven't been writing much. But here I am now (yay) and this time I've nominated a game that I hadn't played until very recently. That title is called Abzu and I got it for Christmas. It's short, it's artsy and it looks very pretty and happens to have been developed by the same folks that did Journey. I actually nominated Abzu before I played it, but as luck would have it I was able to remedy that in a short time as my game wasn't chosen first this round.

So, Abzu: A game about diving in the ocean and watching ocean-y things. I'm down if you guys are. I couldn't help but smile during my time swimming and playing with dolphins and the plethora of other sea creatures in some pretty spectacular, yet relatively simple environments. Only visual and musical story telling is to be had here and what a beautiful presentation it is. This one only takes about three hours to play to completion so we'll be running through in one go. I hope you'll join us in checking out what is certainly a pretty great and immersive experience. open-water


Getting the Extra Point: 6 Of My Favorite Football Games (USA Edition)

Today is a very special day in the world of sports. It's Super Bowl Sunday! And I, myself, am especially excited. That's because my second favorite team, the Atlanta Falcons, are playing today and they have a very good chance of finally winning their first Super Bowl! (Yes, I have two favorite teams. Get over it.)

In all honesty though, being a fan of watching football is a fairly recent thing for me. Growing up, I was never really all that into it. I did enjoy playing it, however. Particularly the video game versions. As a matter of fact, I've been enjoying them in one form or another since the late '80s. Here is a list of 6 of my favorites.

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AJ’s 4 In February: 2nd Attempt

Has it been a year already? Right. So February is here again and with it comes another opportunity to spectacularly fail at finishing 4 games. But I won't feel too bad about it because, for me, it isn't so much the finishing as it is the participating that makes 4IF so fun! So which 4 will I be half-heartedly trying to get through this year?

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WRUP: ARyse, #4if

I'm your weekly neighbourhood Greywolfe and we're going to go to the WRUP Bush City Limits.

As some of you might be aware, this is the beginning of February.  Lots of people think that this is a time for loooovveeee, but they're completely wrong.  Instead, it's Four In February time.

Some of us have written posts about our intentions, so I won't tell you about that, instead, let me tell you about ROME!

And the EMPEROR!

And the many QTE's.  Lol.  There are SO, SO many.  [Mainly for finishing moves, but eh.  They're there.]

Otherwise, Rome's quite beautiful, even if it is one super long corridor.  Plus, those death animations.  Man!  They're grisly.

So now you know some of what I'm playing.  Let's look at what everyone else is doing:

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Greywolfe’s 4 in February.

Welcome, one and all to a new year and a new February. Last year, I didn't do very well at all, so this year, I'm going to try my utmost to actually vanquish four games off of my tottering pile of games that I've collected over the last forty+ years. Read more