Year: 2016

The Twinstiq Podcast – Ep. 25: #4iF

The Twinstiq Podcast is back with a promise: It includes audio!

Granted, not the best of promises, but we have a 100% satisfaction or else money back guarantee when it comes to the inclusion of audio. Tell us of another podcast that does that!

Topics this week: #4iF, one year without Joystiq, one year with Twinstiq, VR (surprise!) and some other stuff I can’t remember right now. Hope you enjoy it.


Yo, yo, yo everyone! It’s your boy Dr. S [kill] bringing you another exciting episode of the WRUP straight to your balls! EYEBALLS! I MEAN EYEBALLS!

February has officially started and the G(ame)-Boys at Twinstiq are hard at work creating the freshest content [me] you can find on the webs, but don’t let your parents catch you reading it, because we are too dope for their old-timey minds! Haha!

Anyway, the weekend is super close and that means it’s time to play dem cray-cray games and party with your friends and go to church! I’m sure you are SOOOO EXCIIIIITED [please!] to share it with us, so don’t let me go all Kim Jong-un on your badonkadonks! PRAISE JESUS!


  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): i'm going to be dungeoneering in world of warcraft [gnomergan and the beginnings of scarlet monastery - i'm not a fan of how they've broken it up into "wings."] - that and some hearthstone along the way, which makes it a blizzard kind of weekend.  apart from that?  more space quest 4.  in which i _reallyreally_ steal a ship.  finally for my four in february, i'll be tackling more of shovel knight and banjo tooie.
  • Thomas (Twitter): Please, get me out of here! They are keeping me locked inside a room and play nothing but Christian hip-hop radio all the time. I just want to play some XCOM 2 for fucks sake.
  • Dante: Disgaea 5, Hearthstone, TF2 and I'd like to finish Strider this weekend for the #4iF.
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Gonna start on my #4iF with Her Story. And since that shouldn't take very long I'll go ahead and restart/reboot/reset... Hard Reset as well :P
  • Scrooloose: Working on the #4if still. Velvet Assassin right now, next A Story About my Uncle, then War for the Overwold. Gonna be cutting it close since I'll be gone for a week helping Yoda0vgs move. But I'm gonna make it!
  • Matthew (Twitter): Getting cracking on my 4iF with Homeworld Deserts of Kharak but will also have some Xcom 2 time in there.
  • Andrew (12/12 Games): Will be putting the new Smash DLC characters through their paces (with a little assistance from my son). Also just picked up Nitroplus Blasterz on PS4 so I imagine I will give that a shot as well.

Overwatch Closed Beta Starts Again- Februray 9th

Well the title says it all, the Overwatch closed beta is coming back on the 9th. Balance changes have been made to characters and AI bots, there are a couple of new maps and even a new game mode.

I have to say that as guy who's not really a fan of games like this any more, this one looks fun. And if you also think it it looks fun you can click this link that will take you to a post containing more information and a sign up link at the bottom.


[feature image and info sourced from Blizzard]

Dante’s #4iF

4iF was one of my favorite Joystiq features. I recall last year I tried to pay homage to it by finishing 4 games per month until I reached May in which I went for a Cinco de Mayo and finished 5 of them. Good times. This year, I'll tackle the following:

Disgaea 5

I've been playing Disgaea 5 since early December. It's one of my favorite series and I've already clocked over 70 hours into this game. I haven't finished the main story yet so I'll focus on that part now. It's been very interesting so far and I hope the last 5 episodes get even better.


The classic Capcom franchise came to the current gen with a very strong Metroidvania game. I'm currently exploring the map so I can get all the power ups before I go the the final stage. The game appropriately warns you that if you go to the last level you won't be able to go back to the main map, so once I'm done exploring I'll try to finish it.


Oh, Limbo how I have forsaken you. I started playing this bad boy on PC a few years ago, but I never finished it because I really didn't feel like it. I felt platformers belonged to consoles and quit after passing that big and shining HOTEL sign. Now that I got it for free for the PS4 I told myself I'd try to play through it at least once... And the time is now.

Gone Home

I needed an extra game to complete this list so I tried to add a game that I've heard is only 3 hours long. I'm not really sure what to expect form this one, but I've been pleasantly surprised by critically acclaimed indie games before. For example, I loved Papers, Please. Who would have thought checking out passports would be fun?

Forced Windows 10 Installations Have Begun

Well, it's happening. Microsoft has added Windows 10 to the list of recommended updates for Windows 7 and 8.1 users. That means if you've got a Windows PC and you're perfectly happy with the operating system you chose, bought and payed for a few years back then you may wake up to an unwelcome surprise soon. That is if you've got Windows Update set up to automatically install updates.

Thankfully you can get around this by entering your control panel, choosing System and Security, then clicking on Windows Update. From there you can change settings to let you decide what's installed on your PC. I'd personally recommend "let me choose when to download and install updates" as the automatic download isn't exactly small and will suck up your bandwidth if set to anything else besides "never check for updates".

For the record here, it's still advised to install security updates and the like to keep things flowing normally, but if you don't want to walk in to a room after refilling your coffee cup and see that you have a new OS installing, I'd recommend unchecking the one that says Windows 10 before confirming any installations. If you -do- get caught in the auto upgrade, you'll have 31 days to choose to reverse the action.

Also here's how to stop that annoying little nagware popup telling you your free copy of Windows 10 awaits.

  1. Open the Registry Editor (search for regedit in the Start Menu and run it).
  2. Set DisableOSUpgrade to 1 in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
  3. Set ReservationsAllowed to 0 in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade

Furthermore, if your reason for not updating to Windows 10 is the fact that it spies on basically everything you do... Well Windows 7 and 8.1 have been doing that for quite a while now, so they're just as bad. Bigger reasons to avoid the upgrade are things like these:

  • Your PC is optimized to run it's current OS, not Windows 10. Things could bog down, you may see tons of errors etc.
  • Your PC is old/unsupported by Windows 10. Microsoft doesn't care about that, they'll still install Windows 10 for you and it could brick your machine potentially costing you money to have it reverted to your previous OS.
  • Your PC is running software that cost you loads of money and will not be supported by Windows 10. Again, Microsoft doesn't care and you may not be able to use that software any more.
[source info here] [and here]


I Played It Twice And I Changed

I've been playing video games for a very, very long time at this point. The first couple of times I stood in front of anything that resembled a game was back in 1979 or 1980. I don't recall which one it was now - might have been Asteroids. Might have been Space Invaders. All I know is that the moment my eyes took in that crude joystick and those round, red buttons of the arcade machine, I had found a kind of home. A hobby that has, so far, spanned a lifetime.

I dove headlong into that hobby.

And I played.

A lot. Read more