Category: Features

The Twinstiq Podcast – Ep. 25: #4iF

The Twinstiq Podcast is back with a promise: It includes audio!

Granted, not the best of promises, but we have a 100% satisfaction or else money back guarantee when it comes to the inclusion of audio. Tell us of another podcast that does that!

Topics this week: #4iF, one year without Joystiq, one year with Twinstiq, VR (surprise!) and some other stuff I can’t remember right now. Hope you enjoy it.


Dante’s #4iF

4iF was one of my favorite Joystiq features. I recall last year I tried to pay homage to it by finishing 4 games per month until I reached May in which I went for a Cinco de Mayo and finished 5 of them. Good times. This year, I'll tackle the following:

Disgaea 5

I've been playing Disgaea 5 since early December. It's one of my favorite series and I've already clocked over 70 hours into this game. I haven't finished the main story yet so I'll focus on that part now. It's been very interesting so far and I hope the last 5 episodes get even better.


The classic Capcom franchise came to the current gen with a very strong Metroidvania game. I'm currently exploring the map so I can get all the power ups before I go the the final stage. The game appropriately warns you that if you go to the last level you won't be able to go back to the main map, so once I'm done exploring I'll try to finish it.


Oh, Limbo how I have forsaken you. I started playing this bad boy on PC a few years ago, but I never finished it because I really didn't feel like it. I felt platformers belonged to consoles and quit after passing that big and shining HOTEL sign. Now that I got it for free for the PS4 I told myself I'd try to play through it at least once... And the time is now.

Gone Home

I needed an extra game to complete this list so I tried to add a game that I've heard is only 3 hours long. I'm not really sure what to expect form this one, but I've been pleasantly surprised by critically acclaimed indie games before. For example, I loved Papers, Please. Who would have thought checking out passports would be fun?


Greywolfe’s #4if

I got into #4if pretty late. The first year I tried it, [2012] my computer blew up and I had to postpone it to March of that year to get it done. The second year, I got three out of four games done - I ended up trying to plow through a game that just took too long. In 2014, I think I sat it out completely. Last year was...well, it was depressing. Joystiq went away and I wasn't sure if I was going to try and attempt it, but in the end I did - I didn't finish [silly Hand of Fate got in the way] but I gave it a whirl.

This year, I have four games all lined up and ready and I'm going to try my very best to finish them off.

What am I playing? Read more

Goodbye, 2015

Greywolfe Picks His Favourite Retro-Styled Games From 2015

Welcome to my retrospective for 2015 in which we talk a little about those games that invited you to think of gaming's past through the lens of what's happening right now. This list covers games that - somehow - evoked games of yesteryear, whether in their visuals or in their gameplay styles.

2015 was a pretty good year for this style of thing - I didn't play all of the games that had retro-styled conceits, [like Freedom Planet or some of the bigger RPG releases] but the games I played that used those sorts of ideas were all [more-or-less] fun.

NB! The text links in this article will open in a new page and will take you to review pages on my personal blog. Read more

Top 5 Games With The Best Cast of Characters

2015 had games with incredible stories and narratives thanks to the well written, well animated, and when necessary, well voice acted characters. This list celebrates 5 of Best Casts of Characters gaming had to offer this year, voted by over 200 survey participants. So no complaints about the results allowed!

This list will also show the result of the single most memorable character from all of the games in the survey.

So without further ado, let's dive in and find out what casts of characters we will be remembering from this year!

Read more

Dr. S presents: The “Games you’ve never heard of, but should still try” 2015 Awards

The World is a big place. A big place, with lots to do and see. Video games are a big industry. A big industry with lots to play and… watch on YouTube/Twitch?

Combine these two facts and it becomes clear that you can’t play everything, or read about every game. Especially in a year like 2015. A year in which we saw amazing releases like The Witcher 3 and Undertale. And then Steam opened the flood gates and made everything even worse. Read more