Category: WRUP

WRUP Stuff

Hey everyone, what's the good word? For me it's getting a new mountain bike and for the last couple weeks now I've been riding around and familiarizing myself with it. Nothing crazy, just an entry level hard tail, trail bike. But man I'm loving it so far. I've started building a trail here at home to ride with some fun turns and elevation changes and jumps etc. Trial and error testing has lead to some falls, though thankfully nothing major. I'm having a lot of fun with it so far and hopefully soon, before the weather really goes south and gets snowy, I and close friend will get to ride some fun forest roads we have in mind locally. My bike, for anyone who cares, is a 2021 Polygon Cascade 2. It's really solid and I would recommend if you're looking for something new to ride or just want to get started, or restarted like me, look at Polygon and this website here. Quality seems really excellent and the retailer has great customer support. The bikes are built, tuned, tested and shipped from their facility and I got mine in a mere three days.

Alright let's look at some game stuff. Read more


Well we elected a new President. Good for us. I don't wanna get too political but I don't think there's single one of us who's at all upset about the change of power that will take place two months from now.

Okay that's enough of that. Let's talk about other things. Read more

End of the Month WRUP

Well, here's another week gone. Been a busy few for me and that's good because work usually starts slowing for me quite a bit toward this end of the season. I've managed to put some money aside to budget a new GPU for the recent releases. I plan on waiting for AMD to show us all what RDNA 2 is all about before I actually pull the trigger, but I think I'll end up staying with AMD anyway because I have a Freesync monitor and even though Gsync is supposed to work with Freesync now it's still kind of a crap shoot whether your panel is compatible. And let's face it, I'm not into spending another $300 plus on a new monitor once I get a new GPU. Read more

October WRUP

Hello Twinstiqers. Or is it Twinstiquers? Anyway, it's Fall now (my favorite season), specifically October (my favorite month), and I'm doing my best not to let Covid ruin it for me. Luckily, protective face masks and social distancing aren't required for eating candy, decorating my home, watching Ghostbusters, and/or playing Castlevania games. I strongly recommend doing one's best to get into the spirit of the season. Apart from making you feel like a kid again and just being plain fun, it can also be a great way to de-stress and take your mind off of all the election and pandemic chaos going on right now.
Anywho, what's everyone playing this weekend?

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More Smoke WRUP

The entire state of CA is under a heavy layer of smoke. It's like fog here because of the Creek Fire, which is now nearing 190,000 acres; but it's slowing. The valleys are blanketed from various complex fires that are now over 400,000 acres each and it's not just CA. We're getting smoke from Oregon as well. Read more

Weekend Raft Urchin Papers

Well, the fires are lessening locally and so is the smoke that's been hanging in the air for the last couple of weeks. It's nice to be able to get some outdoor workouts in and not feel like I've just been in the smoking section of an airplane back in the 80's. Yeah that was a thing. Read more