Month: February 2016

I Played It Twice And I Changed

I've been playing video games for a very, very long time at this point. The first couple of times I stood in front of anything that resembled a game was back in 1979 or 1980. I don't recall which one it was now - might have been Asteroids. Might have been Space Invaders. All I know is that the moment my eyes took in that crude joystick and those round, red buttons of the arcade machine, I had found a kind of home. A hobby that has, so far, spanned a lifetime.

I dove headlong into that hobby.

And I played.

A lot. Read more

NonStiq: Star Wars Speculation Part 1

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is currently my third favorite Star Wars film. Of course Empire sits at number one, but the original film still barely beats out JJ’s crack at the franchise for me. That is the most I will say about how much I like the film, despite the flaws it has (most minor, some major) I will do my best to refrain writing a review of TFA until the Blu Ray is made available. So why are you here reading this? Well I wanted to explore some of the new cannon that we have from the film and what could come, or be answered in Episode VIII. I’ll be looking into three things that most intrigue me, but there are many more I won’t have time for. So let's head back to a galaxy far, far away, and speculate like a bunch of nerds! (Needless to Say, TFA Spoilers Follow)

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Greywolfe’s #4if

I got into #4if pretty late. The first year I tried it, [2012] my computer blew up and I had to postpone it to March of that year to get it done. The second year, I got three out of four games done - I ended up trying to plow through a game that just took too long. In 2014, I think I sat it out completely. Last year was...well, it was depressing. Joystiq went away and I wasn't sure if I was going to try and attempt it, but in the end I did - I didn't finish [silly Hand of Fate got in the way] but I gave it a whirl.

This year, I have four games all lined up and ready and I'm going to try my very best to finish them off.

What am I playing? Read more