Category: Uncategorized

My God, It’s Full of WRUP

Here I sit, another spring WRUP morning with my coffee writing still another weekend commentary. I've had very little time off with work being as busy as it is. Unfortunately that doesn't really mean extra money as I'm more or less spending it as fast it comes in. Hopefully that will stop in about a week's time though and I can start actually making money instead of breaking even. And I'll tell ya what, I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off for myself at least. One day off in two weeks is not enough days off. Read more

SnowRunner Material Weights – Info Dump

I may have a problem. I have nearly twenty five full days of play time in SnowRunner. It's a title I had looked forward to ever since MudRunner and I bought it happily when it came out on EPIC originally for my PC. To be clear, I even pre-purchased the game and that's not something we here ever recommend, but I knew I'd love it. I played the game and made it to Amur in phase four when it came out before becoming somewhat disenchanted by what felt like a pretty huge and unbalanced difficulty increase so I put SnowRunner down for a while. Before that, however, way back when season two started I began finding myself getting curious about how much these materials I was hauling and towing around weighed, so I began making an itemized list with estimations based on my own construction and landscaping background and I came up with some numbers. I've been playing again recently and I'm now two phases behind, but I did run across the list I made and it sparked an interest in sharing it with all of you. Read more

Knocking It Out Of the Park: 6 Of My Favorite Baseball Games

It's that time of year again! No, I'm not talking about Halloween (this time). I'm talking about the World Series! After some particularly fiercely fought and exciting playoff battles, we've finally come to the main event. The AL vs NL matchup that will determine who is the best team in all of baseball. This year, I am particularly excited to watch because my Atlanta Braves have made it for the first time in 22 years! Here's hoping they show Houston what's up.

I will say that I'm a little sad my other team, the San Francisco Giants got knocked out early. I would have loved seeing how they stacked up against the Braves in the postseason. That's right, I have two baseball teams too. I didn't always live in Atlanta, you know. At any rate, I've been a fan of both baseball organizations for years and I've loved playing the sport probably longer than that, even digitally. There have been a great number of baseball video games over the years and in honor of (one of) my team(s) making it to the final round this year, I thought I would share 6 of my favorites.
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AJ’s Picks: The 12 Best Games of 2020

It's so nice to be out of 2020. Between the pandemic and a multitude of various other reasons, it was surely a year most people would sooner forget. But that being said, 2020 wasn't actually a total loss. Despite several titles having to see their release dates pushed back due to the challenges of working through social distancing and quarantines, it was overall a pretty fantastic year for video games. Don't believe me? Well, just read on and see for yourself as I recap 12 of the very brightest spots in an otherwise pretty dark year.

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