Saturday Morning WRUP

Hola, short WRUP coming in:

Imagine PS1 games would get released on the PS4, would you want them upscaled to 1080p, original quality, with a fake CRT filter, or…?

What’s everyone playing over the weekend?

  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): i've given up on magic:  the gathering.  the new patch just went too far and knew too much and those are his lines and it's broken.  good lord.  hearthstone dailies!  king's quest 6 is now moving at a fair clip!  i might finish gateway this week [optimism for great justice!] and i'm messing around in the civilization stage in spore.  the wow project fell over this week, because my internet was being abysmal.
  • Scrooloose: Dark Souls 3 has a firm grip on me, but I'll probably jump in for more Marvel Heroes as well. The Doom open beta is this weekend too, and I'm torn on deciding to play it or not. I want to pretty badly, but I also want it to be a new experience when it's released... What to do... Probably just play more Dark Souls :D
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Welp. I've installed Overwatch, Doom, and BattleBorn. Hopefully I get a chance to try out all three lol
  • John: Sunset Overdrive
  • Thomas (Twitter): Ich hab nen Job, trotzdem Langeweile. Hät’ Bock auf Kiffen, Saufen, Feiern. So ist das hier, yap. Tag ein, Tag aus, halt mir zwei Finger an den Kopf und mach peng peng peng
  • Andrew (12/12 Games): Possibly Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, probably more Skyrim.
  • Dante: I've been playing One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 and Infamous First Light. That's what I'll play this weekend.

No WRUP today

No WRUP today, Dr. S has gone away

The site stands forlorn, not a symbol but a yawn

No WRUP today, it’s not a common sight

But John made me sad, I wish that I was dead


How could he know just how much pressure is on me

He wrote such a great WRUP, something about meme

You probably realized, this didn’t even rhyme

But it’s not like I get paid a dime


No WRUP today, I better give up now

I don’t feel inspired and there is a twitch in my brow


Should I maybe quit doing this altogether

It’s not like I was super active recently

Depression is clearly not a tether

As proven by me.



ah, fuck it... what is everyone playing over the weekend?

  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): now that i'm back:  hearthstone!  magic!  [they're releasing the new set for magic pretty soon] - king's quest 6!  in which i'll actually start playing the actual game!  and my secret shame.  well, ok.  it's not secret because i talk about it nearly every weekend:  gateway!  and of course, some world of warcraft leveling.  i'm at 40 now.  20 more levels to go.
  • Scrooloose: Still going strong in Marvel Heroes, man that's been fun. Also going to try out the Orcs Must Die: Unchained, open beta and see how it is. Loved those games.
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Well the Open Beta for BattleBorn will be around soon, so too brush up on my shooting skills (or lack thereof) I'm going to play another Hero Shooter that I like, Dirty Bomb! Maybe some more Marvel or Dota to mix it up as well.
  • Matthew: Maybe some Division but not much of anything, going to be doing a new PC build and then trying to get caught up on work.
  • John: Ain't nobody got time for that
  • Thomas (Twitter): Dick. No, not nothing. I will fiddle my diddle over the weekend. Glad I could share that with you.
  • Andrew (12/12 Games): Yoshi's Island and Twilight Princess
  • Dante: I have no idea what to play next. Never Alone was way too short. Perhaps I'll keep on playing Disgaea's endgame.



Like every self-respecting outlet, we too got our hands on an exclusive Nintendo NX Controller prototype!nx controller

It’s called InkPad and the tech behind it is quite something. At first glance it looks like a book, but it is actually a journal! Which isn’t that different from a book. Actually it is a type of book, I guess. Anyway, the cool thing is: you can write in it. Wait, I know what you are thinking: “Of course I can write in it. It’s a fucking book, for fucks sake!” BUT look closely and you will see that our source at Nintendo (who is definitely not me, since I don’t work at Nintendo), who made this photo, drew something that looks like a controller on it. Yes, you can create your own button layouts on the controller. Isn’t that cool? The bundled version comes with two special wireless enabled smart-ink cartridges (the cable you see on the picture is because it’s still a prototype), each good for 4 buttons/sticks. Additional cartridge prices are yet to be determined, but our source tells us that it will be somewhere around $40, which is a bit cheaper than a PS4 controller and much cheaper than the similar Xbox One Elite controller. Optional rumble- and motion-ink is currently in development, but will probably not be available at release.

It’s probably not exactly what we had expected after those patent pictures surfaced some time ago, but there is an uncanny similarity (mostly the black and white color-scheme of the unit, though you will also be able to buy InkPads with colored pages)

So, what do you think? Will this be enough to break Sony’s dominance? Would you like to see the other console manufacturers adopt this tech? Let us know in the comments.

Also, what is everyone playing over the weekend?


  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): more king's quest six.  i'll keep walking around and mostly be talking to people this week.  then, i'm going to actually try and get through more gateway as well as moving on in spore to the tribal stage.  i'm at level 40 in wow now and am dreading doing the next dungeon [i had a not-very-fun dire maul where the group abandoned me to die, repeatedly before just outright kicking me.  i dislike that fanbase so much, sometimes.] - apart from that?  more hearthstone and magic:  duels dailies.  i'm hoping that more cards in magic == more fun, but you know, given how shoddy that product is, i'm not going to hold my breath that this will be true or anything.
  • Thomas (Twitter): The dream returned
  • Scrooloose: I'll be hitting up more Marvel Heroes, that's been the most fun I've had in a free to play game since Path of Exile. Might throw down some more Hitman as well. And I also plan on starting Daredevil season 2. Good stuff happening this weekend.
  • Matthew (Twitter): This week I played more of The Division but this weekend sadly nothing helping my brother move so away from the computer and console until Sunday and then it's trying to get caught up on cleaning and house stuff. Have a great weekend all!
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Well as much As I would like to finish Rise Of The Tomb Raider, I'd rather spend my time watching something good... So I'll be playing the Netflix binge this weekend to see what kind of Frank Castle we get out of Daredevil Season 2! With a few sprinkles of Marvel Heroes in there for good measue :)
  • Andrew (12/12 Games): Pokken Tournament and maybe some Super Mario Maker.
  • Dante: This weekend I'll play the move back to my old house game (We had a lot of work done on it). I'm not sure how long it's going to be until I have internet again. I hope it's not as long as it was back in August. In the meantime I think I'll give Rayman Legends a bit more of my time.

What is a WRUP

Turns out I’m not allowed to talk about my time with the ...group. Sorry, no more updates.

I heard The Division is out. That’s cool. It’s probably a quite fun 3rd person Destiny. Maybe we have an early impression of it somewhere on the site?

Anyway, what’s everyone playing over the weekend?

  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): space quest 4 is gone!  king's quest 6 is here!  entering the tribal phase of spore in the near future and also...well...sort of making my way through gateway some more.  it's hilariously hit and miss.  hearthstone quests and magic:  the gathering:  online quests aplenty, too.  that about sums up my weekend.  oh.  and leveling the world of warcraft mage, while i'm about it.
  • Thomas (Twitter): Silence falls
  • Scrooloose: Tomb Raider is done, really enjoyed that one. I hope to see another sequel from Crystal Dynamics in the future. I also played through Layers of Fear in one sitting, man that was a game that didn't let me down for some good scares. My review is up now. I'm not real sure what I'll have on the docket for this weekend. My new CPU came with a game code for the new Hitman game. Not something I'm super excited about to be honest, it's play model is blegh, but I wasn't going to turn down a free title. So I'll likely be checking that out. Perhaps I'll also go back in Tomb Raider and complete some of the challenges.
  • Dante: Now that I finished Dust I've fallen into a "what to play next" hole. I've been playing Broforce and it's a lot of fun so I guess I'll keep on playin it this weekend.
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Well since SuperHot was the game to grasp nearly all my attention last weekend, I'll be finally looking into Rise of the Tomb Raider around Sunday.

Underwater WRUP

Quick update: Life here is quite busy. Can’t tell you what we are doing, but folks are really nice! Food is also surprisingly good. I had expected lots of seafood, with us being underwater and supply deliveries only getting here once a month, but we get a surprising amount of meat and some sort of fruity vegetable.

I also met someone new. Can’t tell you her real name, so let’s just call her Melanie. Anyway, she arrived with the same group I did, so she’s just as excited to be here as I am. Some of the older members can get a bit grumpy at times, but she always has a smile on her face and a joke on her lips.

That’s pretty much all for today. Another praying session is coming up in about half an hour, after that it’s bed time.

Hope everyone is doing well! Until next week!


  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): space quest 4 is done.  i'm moving along to king's quest 6.  in other news, i'm trying to plow through gateway.  it is what it is.  i will pick something else that, i hope, is more fun next game :P - hearthstone, magic:  the gathering and spore are all i'm doing otherwise.  [ie:  things i can drop in and out of.]
  • Thomas (Twitter): My head still feels funny
  • Scrooloose: Been playing Rise of the Tomb Raider and enjoying it overall. Really impressive looking game, has some silly issues that seem like they just slipped by the devs for some reason. But yeah it's fun, been cool exploring the world and seeing Lara continue to grow as a character. I pulled the trigger on some new hardware for the ol' compy that should be here this weekend. Looking forward to installing that and seeing the advantages. I'll also probably finally cave and get my Windows 10 installation done... blegh
  • Matthew (Twitter): Sadly nothing. L This is a weekend with no time for gaming at all. I'll get my #4iF article in by Sunday. I've got a 7am tabletop game (playing Roll20 with friends in Australia and England I'm the monkey in the time zone middle) I've then got the gym at 2:30 (so like maybe an hour snooze then out the door and then a friend's birthday. Sunday I've got to do choers around the house and recover from Saturday. L
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): I also just picked up Rise of the Tomb Raider this morning since it had a pretty decent sale. So I'll be checking out that as well as some SuperHot this weekend!
  • Andrew (12/12 Games): Just picked up Yoshi's Woolly World on Wii U. So, I'll be playing that and also probably a little Castle Crashers.


[This is a placeholder. As you guys know, I'm moving to my buddies, doing the world saving thing. We do have internet down there, but I will probably be rather busy, so it would be great if one of you could just delete this and write a real WRUP. Everyone else make sure to add what you are playing over the weekend below. In exchange I will put in a good word with the devourer of evil once we have awoken him *winkyface* Take care everyone!]
  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): the end of space quest 4!  evolving my creature a little more [in small steps and as i find parts] in spore!  totally ignoring gateway, because i was doing that all of november and december last year, so it seems like THE RIGHT CHOICE TO MAKE!  plus more leveling in world of warcraft, doing the hearthstone daily quests when they show up and also [hilariously] playing more magic:  the gathering:  duels [!] - mostly just so i can open a bunch of packs.
  • Thomas (Twitter):  They told me playing games is forbidden down there, something about interference with the spiritual barrier or some nonsene, but I'll probably manage to smuggle in a copy of Rick and Morty presents: Jerry's Game (since that hardly counts as a game anyway)
  • Dante: I'm currently playing Dust: An Elysian Tail and the the end game of Disgaea 5.
  • Scrooloose: Still playing XCom 2, finally making some headway. Next play through I'll have a better idea of what advancments and facilities to prioritize. Man what an awesome title this is, it makes Enemy Unknown seem pretty simple by comparison. Next will be Rise of the Tomb Raider.
  • Matthew (Twitter):
    XCom 2 has been stealing all my attention but trying to put a push on to finish Halo 5, Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak and Grimfandango for my #4iF though I don't have much faith in my being able to achieve it. The siren call of XCom 2 highlighted by The Division's beta tastiness has been very distracting.
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Hoping to tackle Transformers and Undertale this weekend to finally be done with my 4if.
  • Andrew (12/12 Games): Will be making one final (likely futile) push to close out my #4iF. May also pick up Disgaea on Steam. We'll see.

The WRUP ones

Hey guys! I will take a break from doing the hard hitting investigative journalism you know me for. Why? Well, I had an epiphany. The world is a dark place. Video game companies are evil and plotting against humanity.
But there is a group of people who are trying to save us by freeing what they call “Great Old Ones”. I really don’t have time to explain all of this to you now, but if you want to understand, just mark your consoles with goat blood and a messenger will arrive in time, giving you a glimpse in what I understand is the futurepast. Anyway, I’m off to their underwater base. See you soon! Read more


Yo, yo, yo everyone! It’s your boy Dr. S [kill] bringing you another exciting episode of the WRUP straight to your balls! EYEBALLS! I MEAN EYEBALLS!

February has officially started and the G(ame)-Boys at Twinstiq are hard at work creating the freshest content [me] you can find on the webs, but don’t let your parents catch you reading it, because we are too dope for their old-timey minds! Haha!

Anyway, the weekend is super close and that means it’s time to play dem cray-cray games and party with your friends and go to church! I’m sure you are SOOOO EXCIIIIITED [please!] to share it with us, so don’t let me go all Kim Jong-un on your badonkadonks! PRAISE JESUS!


  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): i'm going to be dungeoneering in world of warcraft [gnomergan and the beginnings of scarlet monastery - i'm not a fan of how they've broken it up into "wings."] - that and some hearthstone along the way, which makes it a blizzard kind of weekend.  apart from that?  more space quest 4.  in which i _reallyreally_ steal a ship.  finally for my four in february, i'll be tackling more of shovel knight and banjo tooie.
  • Thomas (Twitter): Please, get me out of here! They are keeping me locked inside a room and play nothing but Christian hip-hop radio all the time. I just want to play some XCOM 2 for fucks sake.
  • Dante: Disgaea 5, Hearthstone, TF2 and I'd like to finish Strider this weekend for the #4iF.
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Gonna start on my #4iF with Her Story. And since that shouldn't take very long I'll go ahead and restart/reboot/reset... Hard Reset as well :P
  • Scrooloose: Working on the #4if still. Velvet Assassin right now, next A Story About my Uncle, then War for the Overwold. Gonna be cutting it close since I'll be gone for a week helping Yoda0vgs move. But I'm gonna make it!
  • Matthew (Twitter): Getting cracking on my 4iF with Homeworld Deserts of Kharak but will also have some Xcom 2 time in there.
  • Andrew (12/12 Games): Will be putting the new Smash DLC characters through their paces (with a little assistance from my son). Also just picked up Nitroplus Blasterz on PS4 so I imagine I will give that a shot as well.