I actually broke a guidline and pre-ordered MudRunner. I mean... No loot boxes, no pay walls, no nonsense and if you already owned the original Spintires game you'd get 50 percent off the already very fair $30 price tag. Read more

I actually broke a guidline and pre-ordered MudRunner. I mean... No loot boxes, no pay walls, no nonsense and if you already owned the original Spintires game you'd get 50 percent off the already very fair $30 price tag. Read more
So back in May this year I started paying attention to a pretty intriguing new title that was commonly billed as a Cyberpunk Dark Souls. I looked at web sites, I watched trailers and kept an eye on forums and soon beyond a shadow of a doubt I knew that The Surge was for me. Read more
Way back in 2010 Vigil released Darksiders, a game that followed a Metroidvania style of play. I remember very clearly being totally enthralled by the atmosphere then and guys, it's still awesome. Stay with me and I'll tell you what I thought about this newest remaster from developers, Vigil Games and Kaiko and publisher, THQNordic. Read more
Hello, Internet and welcome to our next round of Game Club. I’m TruLegendKiller, and for this round of Game Club we will be playing through Alien: Isolation. I was hoping this would have fallen into October but it is what it is. Released in October of 2014 to, largely, high reviews. Classified as an action-adventure game, make no mistake, this is a survival horror. And one at its finest. Developed by Creative Assembly (the minds behind the Total War series and the upcoming Halo Wars 2) the game is based on the Alien science fiction horror film from Ridley Scott. By based, I mean a direct sequel to the first film. This is no James Cameron science fiction action film. The game takes it back to the series roots of horror. In other words, it is you, and a monster, and you are struggling to survive. And because of this reason, this is why we are playing this game.
I have been an Alien fan for many years. Equally, I have been a horror fan as well. Most horror games have little to no effect on me. Games like Five Nights At Freddy’s or Outlast hold little interest to me. Those games throw jump scares and think it makes it amazing horror. In my opinion they do not. What makes good horror is when it is natural. When no matter what you do, be it have weapons or reach a save point, you can still lose. That is what makes this game so amazing. The Xenomorph’s AI is smart, it learns, it predicts, it adapts. In games like Outlast you can hide in a locker and the AI will almost never find you. Here… Well, never think you are safe. Oh, you found a check point? The Xenomorph will kill you as you are trying to save.
Set in the year 1237, 15 years after the events of the first film. You play as Amanda Ripley, daughter to the missing Ellen Ripley. Approached by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation with the promise of maybe finding her mother. After the flight recorder of the Nostromo was located, she is tasked with recovering it from a space station. This is where the nightmare begins. This is where your nightmare begins.
This is a long game and will, likely, take several episodes of Game Club to get through. There are 19 main story missions. As such, try to play up to mission 7 (Seegson Synthetics). Good luck, have fun, and get good.
Until next time.
Stay Geeky Faithful Readers.
Hey. You guys ever play the Lost Planet games? I never played the first one but I did play the second. Heads up, it's aged like Melanie Griffith. But the third installment wasn't half bad. Stick around and I'll tell you why it could be worth going back to now. Read more
Alright so I guess I'm late to the party here but after much anticipation of the Warmastered Edition's release date tomorrow (the 25th of October) it turns out there's been a delay.
According to THQ Nordic, they'll be pushing back the release until November 29th for PC and November 22nd for console. Unfortunately there were no reasons given for the push back but it looks like we'll have to wait another month to jump back into War's Story.
My original article can still be read below, and you can bet that I'm still excited for this one.
You guys know I really like Darksiders from my review of Darksiders 2: Dethinitive Edition that I did did a few months back right? Well, not terribly long ago Nordic Games also announced the remaster of the original Darksiders called the Darksiders: Warmastered Edition, and it's live on October 25th.
I'll certainly be picking this one up. Darksiders was a killer title when it came out and it was one of the first games I got when I built my PC back in 2011. I'm really excited for this one especially if it's anywhere near as good as the last remaster Nordic did for the series.
The Warmastered Edition will be available for PS4 and Xbox One, boasting 1080p at 60 fps. There will also be a Wii U version that will be capped at 30 fps. For those of us who flex our PC muscles, we'll get up to 4k resolution and lots of additional video and control options. All versions of the game will be treated to improved textures and post processing as well as better shadows etc. There won't be any new content but it should still be vastly improved over the original Darksiders, and that's ok with me -I'm very important.
We'll get all the improvements and badassery one would expect from a current gen remaster for the so good price of $20. I can't wait to see how it is and write extensively about it in one of my all too long reviews that I occasionally bore you all with. Of course the rumor mill is still churning with speculation that these remasters are in fact a test for the audience reception of a possible Darksiders 3. One can only hope.
Recently we did a play through of Alan Wake for Twinstiq Game Club and after it was over I had an itch for a good fast paced shooter. I had played Doom not too long ago and as good as it was, I didn't want to start that over again quite yet. I Considered Rage: It was fun and it had some cool elements even if it was hampered by poor texture resolution and lots of pop-ins. Then I saw a rumor going around that there was likely going to be a remaster of Bulletstorm in 2017. "That could be fun" I thought "I haven't played it since it was new". And guess what? It holds up pretty well. Be forewarned that this article contains some bad language... because it's about Bulletstorm. Read more
Gaming is largely made up of two big landmasses.
On the one hand, we have games that are truly games – with systems and high scores and scores of people to kill.
On the other, there are experiences. The industry hasn’t been kind to these, calling them walking simulators and then writing them off, but these experiences are part of the glue-that-binds. You see, there are just things that cannot be done in a book or movie form. You can only have them as games.
Brothers is a game like this. It straddles a quite-fine line between experience/walking simulator and “game” but it thrives exactly because it’s on that knife edge.
And, in one short play through, it has become one of my very favourite games of 2016. Read more
Wow guys, I've been chomping at the bit to play Blood and Wine for a long time now and my goodness was it ever worth the wait. CDPRed has put a story together set in a large and beautiful world that gives us fans a pretty solid 30 hours of game play; and they call it an expansion. This, folks, is what expansions should be. An actual fully built, big addition with new content that really matters. Blood and Wine could have just as easily been sold as a stand-alone title and would have been just as satisfying to play. All the props to CDPRed. Read more
Here's the patch notes copied right from Steam:
Ashen Ones,
We have heard your concerns about being victims of deviant behavior while playing online multiplayer, we have released a patch solving some of the issues you can encounter. Other updates will follow to continue this work, we will keep you posted in due times!
Today’s update have solved the following issues you may encounter in the Online Mode:
We’d also like to remind you that our Server Team is checking all the accounts before penalizing players. If you received an “Invalid Data” message, please refer to the following article:https://support.bandainamcoent.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/507/458/dark-souls-iii---restrictions-and-warning-messages-what-do-they-mean. Players that fall victim of online issues will not be penalized if they are innocent.
The patch is small, only 41mb, and could be a great step for players who are being victimized by folks determined to ruin game play for the rest of us if in fact it does combat the quote "deviant behavior."
I've yet to run across any of this kind of thing myself thank goodness, but it's still recommended that you back up your save file from time to time.
The default path is: C:\Users\Your-username\AppData\Roaming\DarkSoulsIII\
You'll probably have to make Windows show hidden items to see the appdata folder and once you're in you'll be looking for the SL2 file extension. Just make a copy of that and rename it (example: DS30000_old.sl2) or something and that'll back up your save file in case something does happen. This way you can re-load and maybe lose only a couple of hours instead of a whole character or more.