Author: Cody Hall
Still impatiently waiting for a Tak reboot.

WRUP My Side
Good Lord. It's the weekend already? That's pretty cool. And you know what that means! It's a Cody WRUP!
Yup. Definitely time for relaxing with Music, Games, Gambling, Blood Combat, and whatever it is you do for fun! Here we really like Video games.
What Are People Playing?

Hey wait a minute, this isn't the Warframe trade chat!
Dr S must have tricked me into doing the WRUP again!
Well then you get weird music!

DIE Tabletop RPG Now Has An Open Beta
DIE. One of the more fascinating new comic series to hit shelves in a long while, has now seen it’s lead writer Kieron Gillen undertake developing a Beta for a D&D style rpg based on its world. Which has just this last week seen the release of a Free Beta Rulebook. And you should be excited.

WRUP Coloured Glass
Soooooooooooo Late on the WRUP. Our bad, we bad at this gaming website thing. Also life is busy all the time. Anyway here's music and what we're playing tonight and Tomorrow :P

Something WRUP
Well it's the weekend. And video games are somethings people play. And this is a video game website! So what are all the twinstiqers (Twinnies? Twinstqies?) playing this weekend?
Who knows, so here's a super catchy song and a few blurbs from people who blurb about games and stuff.
Greywolfe: by the time you read this, i should be done grinding all 507 levels of rogue legacy. next job: either grind up some coin to buy some better armor and good runes [one of the ways that game has to give you extra passive powers in the game] or just go tackle the bosses. i want to go and look at the armor before i decide that, though. otherwise: etherlords 2 and beneath a steel sky have started up. bass is a game i've recently played and am playing again to properly finish, while etherlords 2 is a game i've been playing spread across three years, now. when i get through a campaign, i put it to bed, then pick it up the next year. it's been a very relaxed way to play that game and i'm glad i did it like this. i'm in campaign three, so this will be the end of that game. lastly, more quest for glory 4! which is much more fun than i thought it would be.
AJ: I recently sprang for an actual, real-life drum set which I intend to play along to Pro (no fail) mode on Rock Band 3 and/or 4. Should be lots of loud, rockin’ fun. Also, possibly some Owlboy and/or Hyper Light Drifter, both of which I just recently tried for the first time and pretty much immediately enjoyed.
Tru: I've been a teacher.
Scroo: I've been loose.
Dr. S: I've been strange. Thumb.
Yoda: Really want to finish Ass Creed this weekend but I doubt I'll find the time. If i have some game time i may squeeze in a round or two of CSGO

Salt in the WRUP
Gotta say, it's looking too be a fairly demon heavy weekend. Or Demon-killing, rather.
Also send love to our resident old half-black and half-white wolf. He's got a real bad case of the very much not fun back issues :(
So don't forget to relax and enjoy the moments of quiet in your days off. And of course, kill more demons.

Apex Legends – A Past Due Review
Cody Reviews the Respawn's Battle Royale game, Apex Legends.

Four In February 2019
Hey Internet! Yoda here. It's almost that time of Year again! In February we like to pick Four games from our backlog and see if we can beat them all within the month.

Cody’s Best Stuff of 2018
Oh boy. 2018 had some pretty awesome media to consume. So much so that it was really hard to narrow it down to just five for each medium. But I wanted to keep this somewhat brief. The lists here are in no particular order, other than that the mediums are gone through alphabetically.
Which means we start with my favorite Albums of the year. Read more