Year: 2017

This WRUP again

And so it began, the season of despair. The season of broken piggy banks and neglected relationships. The season of AAA video game releases. Destiny 2 came, stayed and comes again in 2 weeks when the PC version releases and I finally get my hands on it. The EA Sports shit is out, Xbox finally had 2 releases with Forza 7 and Cuphead. Fine, Cuphead isn’t exactly AAA – fine, it isn’t at all, but hey, at least an Xbox exclusive that isn’t a racing game, and speaking of indies: this week has seen the gates of indie-halla open on the Switch with Golf Story and Ports of Oxenfree, Stardew Valley, Volgarr, Axiom Verge and more. Sounds great so far, but brace yourselves, because it only just begun. Read more

WRUP is this all good for?

Took them long enough, but WB Games is finally in damage control mode. At the same time a shitstorm is hitting Austrian politics, because our social democratic party hired a PR guy who then created false-flag racist and anti-semitic FB pages. How the fuck are we still a thing? How did the human species survive all this time? Maybe Kim and Trump should hurry up some more and end our reign over this planet, because the level of incompetence we show each and every day is just too much for me.

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WB Backpeddals on Shadow of War DLC

Okay so we've all heard a ton about this Shadow of War "Forthog" DLC and the really backhanded way WB decided to honor late executive producer Michael Forgey. I'll sum up real quick. The DLC is meant to honor Mr. Forgey by creating an allied Orc character with his visage that will show up and save the player from death here and there. WB originally set the DLC price at $4.99 with a portion of the money from sales going to the family of Mr. Forgey.

That sounded great on it's face and was probably actually a well intentioned move by the folks who genuinely loved the man. The problem is that the money from sales was only going to be donated from 43 of the 50 states in the U.S. and nowhere overseas while the rest just went into the already cavernous pockets of Warner. WB themselves had said that they would in no way profit from the sales of this DLC but that made no sense at all since the money collected for donation was going to be very limited. Where would the rest of that money go? That DLC couldn't have been prohibitively expensive to make, at least not so much that WB wouldn't make their money back on the numerous sales taking place outside the donation areas. Of course this knowledge sparked a fair amount of outrage including here in our own team space where much eye rolling and fist waving has taken place.

Well according to Polygon, WB has now decided to provide the Forthog DLC for free to everyone now and just make a donation to Mr. Forgey's family directly. Those who already purchased the DLC will receive a refund for the cost. Finally some good news from this whole thing. In all fairness, WB has owned up the mistake.

What do you guys think though? Was this a moment of realization for WB? Or was it just enough pressure and bad PR to make them shift their decision? Either way a pretty flawed and seemingly greedy move to make sales on the loss of a beloved producer and actual human person has been corrected. Whether it was intentionally designed that way or not.

WRUP Destiny

Well Destiny 2 is out. Yoda streamed some of the beta pretty recently and it looks like it's much better than it's preceding title. Of course there's microtransaction controversy which is a plague for full priced AAA titles that's not likely to go away any time soon. I don't have it, not sure I will have it but if you're playing it let us know how it is. If you're not playing that then what are you playing?

Dr. S: won't be around this weekend, so probably some Mario & Rabbids on the Switch

Greywolfe: exploring all the stories of stories. plus, some more dream daddy - starting out on the first couple of routes from my list. larry 6 is...going. it's larry and it's terrible and i wish my eyes didn't bleed every time i played it. and, finally, more kyrandia 2. the plot twist is slowly arriving. :)

Andrew: China Warrior! (And also those games I said I was going to play last weekend but never got a chance to.)

Scrooloose: Well I finished Dawn of War III and I'm still working in Prey slowly. I also installed and started Bayonetta and I can imagine I'll enjoy it's ridiculousness quite a lot. Platinum sure knows how to make an action game.

Yoda: Gonna clock in some Rocksmith and see if I can get through a round of XCom2 without people dying lol I've also been really liking Paragon, and I may have to do a write up on it soon

WRUP with no name

Gaming wise, this has been a really good week again, like so many this year. XCOM 2 got a great add-on, the new Rock of Ages is really fun, we got a new Yakuza, Absolver seems to be fun if you can get into it and there is so much more. But life is not just gaming and while 2017 is a great year for the thing we like to talk about here, it certainly isn’t for much else.

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Eight Ounce WRUP

So it's bad guy against bad guy in the most anticipated fight in a long, long time tonight. In the past weeks tons of controversy has been stirred up from McGregor's pinstripe suit and alleged racist remarks to Mayweather's domestic violence charges, to the Nevada Sate Athletic Comisson making a special allowance for the fighters to use 8oz gloves instead of the regulation 10oz for the weight class. Regardless of how anyone feels about these guys one thing is for sure, they're both the best of the best in their respective fields. So I figure as long as the bout isn't over in a single round this will be a hell of a fight and one that I'm very much hoping to see for myself.

But hey, aside from maybe spending $100 on a televised cross-discipline boxing match what's everyone playing this weekend?

Greywolfe: all new stuff! larry 6! [urgh] stories! [interesting!] kyrandia 2! [i'm pretty nervous about starting this up.] and dream daddy! [it's had about a month and they've ironed out one or two problems, so i want to go back in and try for as many runs as i think i can stand, getting different endings.]

Yoda: Gonna be picking up Xcom2 but I prolly be able to,play until next weekend due to the sheer amount of Busy I will be at ChicoCon

Andrew: Back to GOG - still reacquainting myself with some neglected classics. (And maybe playing some Sonic Mania on the side.)

Scroo: After finishing Hellblade, I've started Prey and it has sort of sucked me into it's twist filled story. I've yet to see any of the additions to No Man's Sky: Atlas Rises aside from graphical improvements to lighting and texture maps. I'm hoping to see more soon, maybe even start a new game in creative mode or something to see what's to be had. Other than that it'll just be the usual Vermintide runs and whatever else I can fit in. I might pick up Dawn of War 3 since Steam gave me a 50% off coupon... who knows?


Shadow Warrior is a Good Buy This Week

Steam's Midweek Madness sale is bringing a few nice deals as it usually does.

GTA 5 is on sale as is Armello and Skyrim, various Ubisoft titles etc. But the one that stands out me is 2016's Shadow Warrior 2. Not only is it really fun and inlaid with immature humor, but it's also only $20.00. I think that's worth the purchase by itself but on top of that the 2013 reboot of the original title is included in the sale for free. But wait there's more... making the deal even sweeter is the classic redux version of the game from 1990's at only $2.00.

Now just from personal experience I'll say that I liked the 2013 Shadow Warrior better than the 2016 sequel. They're both worth playing but Shadow Warrior 2 has a kind of weird Borderlands feeling to it with the loot system and questing. If you haven't played them though check out the sale because for $22.00 you can snap up three games that will satisfy your funny bone and your penchant for brutal violence against ninja demons.

From the 2013 game