I’m The WRUP Now

I'll tell you what guys, I'll take these cool mornings like this happily. It's barely 60 degrees out and the humidity is 90 percent giving us that lovely petrichor smell. It's a good morning to be outside enjoying the fresh air on a chill Saturday. I'll suppose I'll finish this WRUP first. Then I'll probably beat my head against some AC6 bosses. Beltarius took me 53 tries. I counted. I'm not even mad. Or bitter. Read more

WRUP’ing the Storm

Good morning all. It's another Saturday and I have some prep to do before Monday's expected rain. Some bags of concrete to get covered and or moved. I've got some gym equipment I need to move inside. I need to double check the chainsaws and make sure they're covered along with the fuel cans. Generally just making sure things that would be outright ruined by rain do not get ruined. Southern CA is expecting a tropical storm or even category one hurricane and that would be the first time since the late 1930's. Way up here where I'm at it's looking like a quick inch of rain, which is awesome. I'll take the cool weather and the moisture to wash the air clean. If you're going to be affected by this storm, stay safe and be ready if you're in the areas expected to be harder hit. This is unusual, don't underestimate it. Read more

WRUP & Chill

Good morning everyone. It's a fairly mild Saturday here and as I sit enjoying my first cup of coffee I'm noticing how quiet it is. No mowers, blowers or chanisaws as folks keep on property management. No skid steers and back-up alarms, trenchers and traffic control as the street is torn apart to underground some new phone lines. One hopes this includes fiber for some internet speeds to finally take this place out of 2005. Of course it is the weekend so the crews won't be out. Even just the occasional bird and the whoosh of a car going by. Maybe it'll be a pretty chill day. Read more

Notable New Gaming Releases: Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons, Pikmin 4, and More…

Well, the year is more than halfway over and we're beginning to witness the release of some pretty interesting titles. This past week saw the return of the Lee brothers in a brand new entry in the legendary Double Dragon series. Double Dragon Gaiden looks to be largely inspired by last year's outstanding arcade-esque TMNT beat 'em up, Shredder's Revenge. Assuming the developer nailed more than just the art style, this too may be one that's well worth checking out.

Also out in the last 5 weeks, the 4th numeric installment to Nintendo's charming Pikmin series; a pretty fun-looking family-friendly 4-player platformer starring Mickey Mouse & friends; and GOG ports of Sega's Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Double Fine's The Cave. Double Dragon Returns with tag team action. Jump past the break to see more new releases from the last 35 days.

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WRUP On Eighteen Wheeler WRUP On

Here we are again on what's promising to be a hot but not unbearable day around these parts. I have a new fitness equipment piece coming today for my landmine setup so I can viking press with my seven foot bar and that has me pretty excited. Just a handle, but it's going to be a game changer for me. I'm also not working this weekend so that's a huge positive. Let's see what's WRUP'ing. Read more

The Heat is WRUP

Good morning everyone. It's still hot AF around here and in fact the entire world. The Arctic Ocean is about 15 degrees F warmer than it should be, global heat records have been broken for weeks now and it's another 100 plus day here. Yesterday it was around 124 degrees in Death Valley (that's 51C) and Palms Springs was 120 (48C). A nice chill temperature to run a CPU, but not chill for people and animals who are having a hard time adapting. Take care of your pets folks, it's too hot to not pay close attention. It's supposed to reach 102 here today (~39C). That's hot enough to reach nearly 200 in a car - Don't leave people or animals in a car. They will die. Stay cool out there. There are pools, cooling centers, splash pads and other public options. Movie theaters have great AC. Even simply getting in the shade will help dramatically. Take a short cool shower, use fans... whatever you have to do outside of jumping into a canal or some other wildly unsafe option. Definitely stay hydrated. That means boring old water, by the way, not sodas and sports drinks. As much as I love a good beer, it also doesn't mean beer, sadly. Okay I'm done with my PSA. Time for WRUP. Read more


Oof, it's hot. I think it's supposed to be 106 here today. Still though, as mild as summer has begun a few days of hundred plus degrees isn't much to complain about for a lot of us. I missed last weekend's WRUP so this week I'll pick up where I left off and wish everyone a happy 4th and here's hoping everyone had some safe fun wherever you all happened be during the holiday. I was in Colorado vacationing for a week and I did get to see a cool fireworks show. It had been raining all day and literally about fifteen minutes before the fireworks started the rain stopped. Then on the way back to home base, because the land is so flat in Fort Collins, we counted nine more shows going on at the same time all over the city. Anyway, nobody cares about that shit, let's get to some WRUP. Read more


Good Saturday morning everyone. Summer began in such a mild way this year with our 70's and 80's throughout the month of June. That's almost unheard of here. But, July is upon us and soon the skin will melt directly from our bodies. It's supposed to be 102 here today and up to 107 tomorrow. I'm glad I'm off to Colorado tomorrow morning where I'll be able to enjoy the 80's for another week at least. But hey, you're not here to read a middle aged dude talking about the weather. It's WRUP time. Read more