AJ’s Picks: The 12 Best Games of 2009 – A 12-Year Retrospective

Well, it's a new year and I'm back again with another best-of retrospective. This go round, we'll be taking another 12-year look-back, at the best games of 2009, and unlike with the last one, I'm happy to be able to deliver it in a more timely, and thus, sensible fashion. 2009 was another great year for games. But really though, aren't they all, just about? Let's just say, it wasn't any slouch. Please join me as I take a look back at some of the following reasons why.

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All Sorts of WRUP

Welcome to a sports heavy February and this weeks WRUP. It's Bengals VS Rams for the Superbowl at Los Angeles this year. I haven't watched a spot of football during the season but I always watch the big event. Speaking of big events, the entire world is on stage for the Winter Olympics in Beijing. After a fairly lackluster opening ceremony last night I'm interested in seeing some cool snow sports. Of course there's plenty of tension between nations what with the current string between Russia and Ukraine being pulled so tight but hopefully world war three doesn't start while I'm watching bobsled. Or at all, in fact. That would be good also. I did read that Ukraine fired a warning missile. Not sure how that works but it doesn't sound awesome. Anyway, we aren't here to talk geopolitical struggle. Let's get to some topics. Read more

SnowRunner Material Weights – Info Dump

I may have a problem. I have nearly twenty five full days of play time in SnowRunner. It's a title I had looked forward to ever since MudRunner and I bought it happily when it came out on EPIC originally for my PC. To be clear, I even pre-purchased the game and that's not something we here ever recommend, but I knew I'd love it. I played the game and made it to Amur in phase four when it came out before becoming somewhat disenchanted by what felt like a pretty huge and unbalanced difficulty increase so I put SnowRunner down for a while. Before that, however, way back when season two started I began finding myself getting curious about how much these materials I was hauling and towing around weighed, so I began making an itemized list with estimations based on my own construction and landscaping background and I came up with some numbers. I've been playing again recently and I'm now two phases behind, but I did run across the list I made and it sparked an interest in sharing it with all of you. Read more

Alright it’s WRUP Time

Hey everyone and welcome to the first weekend of the new year. Hopefully everyone is doing well and enjoying the season so far. I just got my booster shot on Thursday and though I was expecting to be more or less laid up while my body reacted to it, it wasn't to be so. The worst I had to deal with -and am still to an extent- is the soreness from the injection itself. A few hours after the shot I couldn't lift my arm over shoulder height without some serious strain. But that was it. I never got the fever and chills and energy drops that the second shot gave me. So here's to that. And here's to everyone getting their vaccines because it's getting harder and harder to find anyone who isn't effected by COVID now. I now know of two friend's kids who have it currently, they're deniers though so to them it's all BS, and an elderly lady who is getting over it after having a relatively mild case. She was fully vaccinated so it didn't hit her hard thank goodness. This is a woman in her late 80's with lots of immune issues and she's recovering now. Vaccines work. Not to mention several folks who got it early on, friends of friends, my own distant family members -some of which didn't not survive. This is a real deal, people who still don't think it's a real thing, please do your research.

Okay let's get to the WRUP... Read more

AJ’s Picks: The 12 Best Games of 2008 – A 12(+)Year Retrospective

As you might have noticed by now, I have kind of a thing for gaming retrospectives. I also love anything having to do with the number 12. For those reasons, I've decided to debut a new retrospective series where I take a look back at the best games from 12 years ago. In the case of this particular article, the year 2008. Now you may be thinking, "it's 2022, shouldn't this article be about 2009 or even 2010?" And the answer is, you got me. I meant to post this nearly a year ago. My bad. Maybe I'll do one for 2009 next month. Just go with it. 2008 was a special year for gaming that saw a number of truly exceptional titles grace the various consoles of the day. Please join me as I look back at what I feel pretty good about saying were 12 of the absolute best.

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Happy New Year – A WRUP

Good morning on this cold January sunrise, the first of 2022. Here's hoping everyone celebrated safely last night, or like me, just chilled and played some games and stayed away from the crowds. I'm usually pretty boring on new years. Not much of a crowd loving guy. Anyway, here's hoping this year treats us better than these previous two did. Read more