Hey there everyone, welcome to another WRUP. Let's just go right to it because I've been both busy and lazy at the same time and procrastinating is making me rush now. Yep, it's real. Read more

Hey there everyone, welcome to another WRUP. Let's just go right to it because I've been both busy and lazy at the same time and procrastinating is making me rush now. Yep, it's real. Read more
WRUP - It's what's for dinner. For your brain. On the weekend. From Scrooloose. You're welcome. Read more
Here we are again on a weekend WRUP trip. Hopefully everyone is doing well out there. I think today may well be pretty busy for me doing mundane BS before the rain coming tomorrow. Read more
Hello everyone, welcome to another weekend and the general WRUP. Thank goodness the heat is falling off for a bit here. Unfortunately that cooling seems to be as a result of a hurricane that came up from Mexico. Now downgraded to a tropical storm I won't see it's effects in full, but there could be some rain this afternoon. Still, I'll take weather that's cooler by some 25 degrees and a chance for some moisture. Continuing in mundane news, my dryer broke. I don't know if you guys have ever had to find replacement parts for a dryer but it can be a pain in the ass. The heating element went out. My dryer is some 10 years old but it's a good brand. I finally found a parts manual and made the mistake of ordering the wrong heater. The listing didn't help as it was simply called a heater, but what I actually needed was a heater assembly. It's still just a heater, but it's a different part number and uses a higher wattage fuse and thermostat. Hopefully the correct one will be here today and I'll be able to replace it. Yep, boring stuff around here. Just hot with frustrating appliance repairs. Read more
Well, hello everyone and welcome to another WRUP. It's me, Scrooloose. It's the weekend and It's hot AF out here so I'm going to write this and then I'm going to get a workout in before I go swimming for pretty much the rest of the day. Read more
Good morning, I'm a day late for this WRUP. I'd like to say it's because I've been busy, because I have been, but it's not true really. I could have done it on time yesterday. But I'll make up for it. Here we go. Read more
Good morning everyone and welcome to yet another weekend and yet another WRUP. We're going right to it because I've had a boring week and I've nothing special to discuss. Read more
Good morning or afternernoon or evening or whatever time it is where you are. It's another weekend and that means it's time for another WRUP. Read more
Good morning everyone. It's Saturday and that means WRUP around here. Read more
Good morning everyone. It's been a hell of a two week period since I was here last. Normally I'm here to talk about tech and or gaming news, but this isn't so much of a normal WRUP as it is my experience over the past several days withe the Oak Fire. Read more