WRUPs Among Us

Hello everyone, welcome to another weekend and the general WRUP. Thank goodness the heat is falling off for a bit here. Unfortunately that cooling seems to be as a result of a hurricane that came up from Mexico. Now downgraded to a tropical storm I won't see it's effects in full, but there could be some rain this afternoon. Still, I'll take weather that's cooler by some 25 degrees and a chance for some moisture. Continuing in mundane news, my dryer broke. I don't know if you guys have ever had to find replacement parts for a dryer but it can be a pain in the ass. The heating element went out. My dryer is some 10 years old but it's a good brand. I finally found a parts manual and made the mistake of ordering the wrong heater. The listing didn't help as it was simply called a heater, but what I actually needed was a heater assembly. It's still just a heater, but it's a different part number and uses a higher wattage fuse and thermostat. Hopefully the correct one will be here today and I'll be able to replace it. Yep, boring stuff around here. Just hot with frustrating appliance repairs.

If you're in the market for a 30 series Nvidia GPU and you like the idea of playing Spider Man on your PC then you're in luck. Nvidia 3080's and 3090's purchased from now until October 12th will have Spider Man Remastered bundled. With new 40 series cards on the horizon it's pretty easy to assume that NV is kind of pushing sales to make room on shelves for the newest entries. Here's Techspot with more. GPU prices are coming down a ton and stock is feeling more or less normal now so if you've been waiting for a purchase now could be the time.

I don't have much else this week. But I do have a link to a kind of fun Gamers Nexus video about AMD naming codes.

And we might be playing stuff

Scroo: I'm still giving Destiny 2 it's fair shot. There's a LOT to complain about, but it's probably one of the best shooters I've played in a long time from a standpoint of game play. So I'll keep going for a while, anyway. Either until I'm bored or decide to toss a little money at it.

Greywolfe: mostly unpacked from the move. still no real gaming except little bursts of immortals: fenyx rising and i'm trying my hand at replaying a couple of VERY old [and super cranky] dos rpg games. going to try and see how far i can get with akalabeth [the game that sort of gave rise to ultima.]

AJ: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Mortal Kombat Trilogy were both recently released on GOG so I may check those out. I also recently acquired a beautiful Model 1 Sega Genesis so I'll likely be taking it back to the old school with that a bit as well.