Category: WRUP

Here, Take This WRUP

Good morning or whatever time of day it happens to be wherever you are. It's time for yet more WRUP. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day around these parts, nearly 70 and I think I'll take the opportunity to get some more wood cut and split since I sort of fell behind during October thanks to things be extra busy. I also need to blow out this computer because holy smokes it's dusty in there. Winter preparations, house cleaning and general boring-ass chores are the theme for the day. Yay for me. Okay let's look at a PlayStation centric WRUP. Read more

This WRUP is Late and My LOTF Save Was Corrupted

Thank goodness I finally finished this deck job I've been working on yesterday. It's taken up way too much of my time and though the end result was a pretty decent pay day it shouldn't take 75 hours to paint deck railings. It was build without a permit by an engineer about 20 years ago an it's a pretty good looking structure, but it's full of lights and switches and wiring so I couldn't disassemble much of it to help my progress. There are metal pickets that weren't allowed to change color with the rest of the structure so they all had to be masked. I had fifteen hours alone just taping. Ridiculous. The lumber was being painted is dimensional so there are lots of little nooks to get in to. And since it's non-permitted it was built without stairs on what is effectively the second story facing downhill on a slope so I also had my 24 foot extension ladder to be able to prep the outer facing sides. But hey, the owners are happy and I think I'll have more work there in the near future. That was more or less the last half of October for me and I'm done whining about it. Let's look at what's going on in actual WRUP land and discuss a seriously game breaking issue for Lords of the Fallen. Read more

Make Up WRUP

Hey everyone, welcome to the afternoon on WRUPerday the 14th. I missed last week due to working an event the whole weekend here locally and frankly I didn't expect it to run so long or be so busy. So I just didn't get to WRUP. But here I am the week after and though I'm relatively late in the day I do have a few things to toss in the info section. So let's get to it. Read more

Empty WRUP

Good day everyone. It's fall time and around here it's like someone just turned off the heat. I'll take it though because that's also time for wood splitting and stacking and various other winter preparation projects. Speaking of which, that stuff has kept me so busy that I have basically paid zero attention to gaming news. I haven't even turned on my PC in the last three days. So let's take a look at what info I did run across. Read more

The Days Of Our WRUP

Fall officially starts this weekend and honestly I'm not ready for it. Not that I'm complaining about the cooler weather it's just that I know every restaurant, coffee shop, pub, food truck and grill will start shoving that awful pumpkin spice crap in everything they sell. That stuff belongs in one thing and that's pumpkin pie. The end. Let's get to WRUP. Read more

Get Your Hands On This WRUP

Hello there everyone and welcome to another pre-wrup greeting. I'm Scrooloose and it's early. I was hoping to sleep in but instead the early morning anxious "awoos" of a husky wolf dog that I live with had me making sure she could get outside before there was a cleanup on isle living room type incident. So here I sit with my coffee and WRUP list just after 6:30 in the morning, but I don't have weekend work to do so at least I can chill a bit today. For now though, let's look at some WRUP related items to whet your gaming whistles. Read more