If you logged in today, January 8th, you likely saw the reminder that the revolutionary and definitely supported for years to come, Google Stadia is shutting down on the 18th of the month. Read more

If you logged in today, January 8th, you likely saw the reminder that the revolutionary and definitely supported for years to come, Google Stadia is shutting down on the 18th of the month. Read more
If you're playing Fat Shark's co-op survival shooter, Darktide, and you're trying to get the penance "On Overwatch" completed as the sharpshooter you're probably pretty frustrated at just how easy it is to fail. The conditions are pretty atrocious - Play a mission on malice difficulty or higher and finish without ever getting hit by melee. It's likely going to take a lot of tries to get this done, even with a full group of friends watching your back. I'm here to tell you how I did it and show you the build I used in the hopes that if you're struggling maybe this information can help you out just that much more. Read more
I may have a problem. I have nearly twenty five full days of play time in SnowRunner. It's a title I had looked forward to ever since MudRunner and I bought it happily when it came out on EPIC originally for my PC. To be clear, I even pre-purchased the game and that's not something we here ever recommend, but I knew I'd love it. I played the game and made it to Amur in phase four when it came out before becoming somewhat disenchanted by what felt like a pretty huge and unbalanced difficulty increase so I put SnowRunner down for a while. Before that, however, way back when season two started I began finding myself getting curious about how much these materials I was hauling and towing around weighed, so I began making an itemized list with estimations based on my own construction and landscaping background and I came up with some numbers. I've been playing again recently and I'm now two phases behind, but I did run across the list I made and it sparked an interest in sharing it with all of you. Read more
I've been playing SnowRunner for nearly six hundred hours and I'm only into season four of the game. Let that sink in a minute. Five hundred and eighty-ish hours of driving around in the mud, snow, through and over ice covered lakes and rivers at around eight miles an hour. It sounds boring AF but man I love this game. Read more
It was announced a couple of days ago now that the free to play Isometric MMO, Marvel Heroes will no longer be supported by Disney as they have "...ended [their] relationship with Gazillion Entertainment...". Of course this quote from Disney doesn't outline any detail toward the situation but does go on to say that Marvel Heroes will "...shut down".
Sad news for those of us who enjoyed the Diablo-esque ARPG for sure but not a huge surprise to those who've kept close tabs on the game its projects. Gazillion have been keeping up with updates and new content related to the newest Marvel movies and TV shows for as long as Marvel Heroes has been around. That support suddenly stopped a short time ago and folks started putting two and two together to make the assumption that there was, at the very least, a serious problem.
In fact servers will shut down on December 31st and in-game purchases are being removed now. That means that for rest of its existence the game will be 100% free to play. R.I.P. Marvel Heroes. You had a decent free to play formula and pretty dang fun game play. I will personally mourn my own Captain Marvel. Together we irradiated and captured countless criminals and villains via her near limitless celestial powers. You will be missed.
So I'm sitting here drinking a locally brewed Whisky Barrel Brown Ale thinking to myself about how I'm excited for some new games that are coming to PC soon; and just some games I don't have yet that are out already. I figured -Hey I'll write about that so we have something more than WRUP articles. Read more
I've been wanting The Surge since I saw it show up on my Steam recommendation page like a month ago. I had no real idea what it was at the time but what I saw looked pretty intriguing. Read more
You guys! If you read any of my Darksiders articles you know I'm into it. You also know I've been hoping for quite a long time that we fans of the series would get a third Darksiders title. Well it looks like that's actually going to happen after all and I'm pretty thrilled by it so far. Read more
So I picked up Nier: Automata on release day without any prior experience with the Drakengard series or Nier. I had paid it mild attention when I started seeing early footage and then it went largely forgotten, lost behind my growing backlog of games yet to be played. When I started seeing footage of pre-release reviews and very early first impressions I began seeing what was so intriguing again. Then I learned that this game was being made by Platinum Games - I had all but decided this was going to be next on my list. Read more
Alright so I guess I'm late to the party here but after much anticipation of the Warmastered Edition's release date tomorrow (the 25th of October) it turns out there's been a delay.
According to THQ Nordic, they'll be pushing back the release until November 29th for PC and November 22nd for console. Unfortunately there were no reasons given for the push back but it looks like we'll have to wait another month to jump back into War's Story.
My original article can still be read below, and you can bet that I'm still excited for this one.
You guys know I really like Darksiders from my review of Darksiders 2: Dethinitive Edition that I did did a few months back right? Well, not terribly long ago Nordic Games also announced the remaster of the original Darksiders called the Darksiders: Warmastered Edition, and it's live on October 25th.
I'll certainly be picking this one up. Darksiders was a killer title when it came out and it was one of the first games I got when I built my PC back in 2011. I'm really excited for this one especially if it's anywhere near as good as the last remaster Nordic did for the series.
The Warmastered Edition will be available for PS4 and Xbox One, boasting 1080p at 60 fps. There will also be a Wii U version that will be capped at 30 fps. For those of us who flex our PC muscles, we'll get up to 4k resolution and lots of additional video and control options. All versions of the game will be treated to improved textures and post processing as well as better shadows etc. There won't be any new content but it should still be vastly improved over the original Darksiders, and that's ok with me -I'm very important.
We'll get all the improvements and badassery one would expect from a current gen remaster for the so good price of $20. I can't wait to see how it is and write extensively about it in one of my all too long reviews that I occasionally bore you all with. Of course the rumor mill is still churning with speculation that these remasters are in fact a test for the audience reception of a possible Darksiders 3. One can only hope.