Category: Games To Play When…

More Games To Play When It’s Halloween

Well, it's nearly that time again - my favorite holiday of my favorite month (in my favorite season). I love this time of year. A few years back I decided to mark the occasion by making a list for you featuring some of my favorite games I play to help get me in the festive spirit. This year, like an undead creature of the night, I have emerged once again to bring you even more. While a lot of these selections are sequels to games on my original list, that shouldn't diminish their value any. On the contrary, I'm sure you will find that some of these games are equally effective at striking the proper tone. So without further ado, allow me to present you with more games to play when it's Halloween:

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Games to Play When it’s March

March is typically a time of the year when new game releases are pretty sporadic. As such, it can sometimes be difficult for gamers to figure out what they should be playing. If that happens to be the case for you, I have a helpful suggestion. Why not play games that pay tribute to the god for which the month was named?

The word March is a derivative of Martius, which was what the Romans called it. The month was named for Mars, the Roman god of war. For a good part of Rome's early history, March was observed as the first month of the calendar. Along with the start of spring and the agricultural season, March also marked a return to warfare (the Romans traditionally ended most of their military activity in October). Many festivals were held in the month of March to celebrate the god whom they viewed both as a symbol of their military might, as well as a father to the Roman people.

In keeping with the original spirit of the month, it seems only appropriate to play games that are related to Mars and to warfare in general. Here is a list of 9 great games to play when it's March.

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Games to Play When it’s Wintertime

Although spring may be right around the corner, I am still trying to enjoy what little of winter is left. It may be the coldest season (sometimes ridiculously so) but it can also be quite a lot of fun. What other time of year can the entire landscape be magically transformed into one giant playground? Winter is the time for snowball fights, sledding, hot chocolate, warming up next to a roaring fire, and for some, fighting for your virtual life on a frozen, hostile alien world. When it comes to gaming, the best titles to play this time of year are the ones that have the most in common with the season itself. Here is a list of 6 great games to play when it's wintertime.

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Games to play on Valentine’s Day

February 8th, 2016

Today I met this really cute girl Emily while waiting in line at McD and while I’m not planning on sharing many details about my private life, let’s just say I am THE MAN! We have a date on Valentine’s Day, which is about as cheesy as it can get, and I’m planning on making this a night to remember. Only issue: it’s been ages since I’ve been with a girl and I’ve never been on something that can be classified as a traditional date. Yes, I have quite a bit of catching up to do and what better way is there than using the medium of video games for it. Welcome to my Valentine’s Day Boot camp Diary, aka. Games to play on (or better before) Valentine’s Day.

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Games To Play When It’s Halloween

It's almost here again. Halloween. My favorite holiday of them all. This time of year, I tend to become a little obsessed with things that are dark, spooky, and/or macabre. I like to break out stories by Edgar Allan Poe, or watch movies by Tim Burton or John Carpenter (the original Halloween movie is one of my favorites). You get the idea.

I love the fact that Halloween falls right on the very last day of October. It basically gives me an excuse to spend the whole month getting in the mood and preparing for the big day. In addition to reading stories and watching movies, I also spend that time thinking about costumes and jack-o-lantern designs, and of course, playing video games. There has been an abundance of decent Halloween-related games over the years, going all the way back to Haunted House on the Atari 2600. I usually don't go back quite that far, but here is a list of some of the ones that I do like to play:

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Games To Play When It’s Independence Day (USA Edition)


July 4th is Independence Day, here in the good old US of A, and while it is customary to spend the evening eating hamburgers and watching fireworks shows, there really isn't any prescribed way to spend the day. Some people might decide to go see a movie or a baseball game, others may choose to hang out by the pool or go play a round of golf. All great options, certainly. But what can you do if it happens to be raining, or you just don't feel like stepping out into the sweltering summer heat?

Why not spend time catching up on some great games? Better yet, why not play ones that would allow you to pay tribute to the holiday and/or America itself? Here is a list of a few such options:

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