Well, here I am finally. Good mid morning everyone and welcome to another weekend. It was 102 yesterday. That's plenty warm. That heat isn't helping the efforts to fight the local Washburn fire, though it has slowed a lot since last weekend when I posted a fairly low quality image I took from my front porch of the smoke plume. At that point it was ~200 acres. As of about three hours ago now, it's ~4800 acres, but it's clear that progress is being made because I don't even see the smoke plume now. Containment is at 37% from that same update, which is good news because the last time I saw an update that number was 17%. Anyway, I'm glad progress is being made, that there have been no sequoias lost, and that for once there was some proper land management that had taken place to keep that fire from going bananas. Read more