Well it’s a WRUP

Good morning everyone. Here I sit once again to tell you of things you've most likely already seen on the internet. Today will be a little bit short, maybe not terribly. I've just been kind of busy and haven't had the opportunity to really look at a lot of the things that interest me for the upcoming summer releases. In fact I have to work right after I'm done writing this. Before we get going though I want to say two things:

First off - Welcome back Tru and congrats on your tenure in your teaching job. You've worked hard for it and you deserve it. Well done.

Secondly - Everyone pick up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, it's great and you can play along side your friends via couch co-op or online on a bunch of different platforms.

Okay let's get to it.

A few things have caught my eye since last weekend in the form game teasers and previews. Scorn, looks to be a very HR Giger inspired first person adventure game. No dialogue, just visual storytelling and some disturbing body horror imagery with a little shooting. However, in the preview the narrator makes clear the game isn't a shooter. I happen to be pretty intrigued by this and the price is set to be right at around $40 upon release. Here's the game play reveal on YouTube to check out for yourself. Looks to be coming soon as well which is awesome.

Everyone seems to be talking about Bethesda's Starfield and it does seem at least sort of interesting, but I'm kind of on the fence about it since it doesn't really look like it's going to be anything more than Elder Scrolls in space. Not that that's a bad thing. I like me some space games. Starfield could be great, it's not really piquing my interest though. But, I'll tell you what is. The Invincible. This is a sort of past view of the future set in a first person environment where the player is either stranded on or attempting to investigate in some way a planet that is chock full of killer robots. The game play video shows enough to get old B movie sci-fi juices flowing.

Lightyear Frontier caught my eye some months back as a cool little mech game. It's supposed to be a peaceful, non-combat farming simulator where you're mode of operation is a big intimidating mech equipped with water pistols and fertilizer canons instead of lasers and missiles. Players crash land on a planet and set to building and upgrading and planting and gathering etc. There's also a narrative to follow, which is great news. I get kind of a Slime Rancher vibe from the environments shown with all it's colors and stylized joyfulness. I look forward to harvesting much space corn.

Alright everyone, it's time for me to make myself some breakfast and head off to work. Enjoy your weekend and we'll see you back next time.

What are we playing?

Greywolfe: well, chicory is 100%'d, but the map isn't entirely coloured in. so that's the very last thing i'm doing in that game, but i'm approaching that slowly. like a once a week sort of thing to sink myself into as a kind of wind down for the week. otherwise: final fantasy 5 goes. i worry that the game's going to have too much grinding [as it is, the systems that underlie it seem to sort of encourage that] soooo i dunno how i'm going to feel about it's gameplay loop. i'm also playing enchanter over the weekends. right now, i'm a little stuck, so hopefully i fix that in short order.

Yoda: Friends and I finally picked up V Rising. So prolly some of that and some board gaming.

Scrooloose: A little work this weekend but also V Rising still and TMNT Shredder's Revenge. My Maneater saves all got corrupted right as I was about to finish the game so I will try again at a later date I guess.

Tru: Hello, hello, hello. Feel like it has been awhile, mostly because it has been, the life of a teacher is never ending. However, I'm now on Summer Break. Yay. Much rejoicing. Any who, I've been playing Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. But I gotta tell you, it is a GRIND and a Half to finish everything and I can only stomach about an hour before I get frustrated by that grind. I have a huge backlog of other games to play so I may skip on over to my Series X and finish up Halo 5 so I can start up Halo Infinite (Although the new Halo TV Series has put a bad taste in my mouth so that motivation is kind of low).I have such a back log of games it's not even funny. Plus I have game pass so I'm sure there is SOMETHING I'll be playing. Although, if he's reading this, it would be awesome if Yoda0vgs would play some more Warframe. Miss playing with my friends. Anywho, that's all for now. Stay geeky, geeks!

AJ: Like Scroo, I too will be checking out the brand new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge game. I can't wait to get some 3 player local coop going with the kids. I may also play a little of the recently released PS4 port of the PS1 classic, Hot Shots Golf.