NY Times Says – It’s A WRUP!

Beautiful morning so far. I hope you're all having a similar experience as you get yourselves out of bed or off the couch or the floor or wall or ceiling or what have you. I don't know your life. Today has a high of 74 here and man that's great because next week we're looking at our first 100 and that's not something I look forward to. At least I have access to a really good swimming pool. Okay it's WRUP time let's see what's going on.

Sony debuted a bunch of cool looking titles. Season looks like a heavily narrative driven title with some chill bike riding and perhaps a warning message. Callisto Protocol is a familiar looking design by the team that gave us Dead Space. This is actually the second preview I've seen for Callisto Protocol and both times I get a clear and obvious Dead Space Vibe but this one also gives me a little bit of Doom 3. I guess just the environment, maybe it's the orange jump suits. Rollerdrome looks like a fast paced combat game played in various arenas somewhat like Rocket League or the mostly forgotten Monday Night Combat, but styled more like Borderlands and is set in the far off future of 2030. Cool Synth music and track suits on roller skates. Looks pretty fun. You know what, you can watch the whole State of Play stream here and see tons more for yourselves.

We also got some new 40k teasers this past week with a sweet developer video for Space Marine 2, some information about Rogue Trader and a super badass look at the retro "boomer shooter", hate that term, Boltgun. We also got a new cinematic trailer for Darktide which is very exciting. I very much enjoy the power fantasy of 40k, but man there are so many developers making so many games and a good portion of them in the past have been pretty mediocre. This grouping does not look mediocre. Here's hoping we see some excellent new titles.

Okay that's it from me this weekend. Enjoy the sunshine and mild weather if like me you're on the west coast. We won't see it much longer I fear.

What's on the docket?

AJ: Sniper Elite III and also Ary and the Secret of Seasons.

Yoda: Well I finally unlocked dungeons in FF14, turns out someone did copy the Dungeon finder system from WOW 
Still wish more Mmos did though. And I won't believe anyone who says FF14 has a good story anymore. It's another YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT CHAMPION story again, in an Mmo...Like bro, what's your excuse for all these other players running around doing the exact same required and unskipable terrible quests I'm doing?"Oh those players? Canonically they are just people championing your cause and seeing to it that you succeed. ""wait wait wait, so everyone in this game is being told THEY are special, and every other player is just a part of their story?? So you're subconsciously encouraging players to believe they are better than everyone else?""You are THE CHAMPION OF THE MOTHER CRYSTAL'S"No. No this makes Rise of Skywalker seem like Shakespeare. Bad story very bad.But I'll probably still play it off and on now hat I can do dungeons, but I'd definitely recommend wow over this any day if you want to quickly get into fun and quick group content in an mmo. So I'll be playing more of that as well. Also it has better hats so it wins.

Greywolfe: i'm painting the map in chicory, so chicory is basically done. i also ventured into enchanter a little last week, so that continues. when chicory is done, i'm going to take a /little/ break and then start in on final fantasy 5.

Scroo: Hard space Shipbreaker has been a nice zen experience with intermediate bouts of anger at corporate entities. And I'm still going in SnowRunner. Season 7 is out now so I see more of that in my future. I was also talked into picking up V Rising, which is an early access game and normally I'd be all about passing on that except it's pretty cool so far. So I guess I'll be in that as well. Here's hoping the devs don't bail when they decide they've made enough money.