Dropped a WRUP

My goodness guys it's been a very, very busy couple of weeks for me. I spent many days and very late nights including one stint of about 30 hours with no sleep at all getting moved. It's been rough but it's done now and it's all worth the trouble. Being so busy has not left me any time at all to check for news or interesting stories in games but I'm sure I've got something here... Read more

Summertime WRUP

It's been hot around here. Triple digit temperatures have hung around a lot CA for the past week, in fact. Luckily starting now things will begin to return to what's more normal for this time of year and we'll see the 80's again in a couple of days. I used to work a lot in the heat, digging trenches, building water systems, planting plants etc. and I got pretty used to it, but I don't -have- to do that any longer so instead I mostly stayed in and played games. But we're not here to talk about the weather and the fact that I don't get to see my lady this coming week like we had planned, no, we're here to talk about games and stuff. Read more