Dropped a WRUP

My goodness guys it's been a very, very busy couple of weeks for me. I spent many days and very late nights including one stint of about 30 hours with no sleep at all getting moved. It's been rough but it's done now and it's all worth the trouble. Being so busy has not left me any time at all to check for news or interesting stories in games but I'm sure I've got something here...

Now "Ancient" GPU maker and the first one to use 3D acceleration, 3DFX seemingly made an announcement teasing a comeback last week. At first I was a little excited to see that, though I don't know particularly why. 3DFX was picked up NVIDIA after they went bankrupt some twenty years ago and anything brought out would not be competition for the current GPU market and would in fact just be another NVIDIA card with a 3DFX brand on it. So after some speculation and light research I think the potential news is mostly seen as untrue.

EA is apparently upset that nobody loves the fact that they buy up companies and kill them. Here's a link from PC Gamer and the quote given from EA's Blake Jorgensen contains some pretty dramatic pearl clutching.

Apple is apparently going to begin scanning every photo you take for signs of child sexual abuse. The way I understand this is that each photo taken will be scanned on device against a database and the results are turned into a set of unreadable data. Apple says the chances of a false positive are one in a trillion and the whole thing is based on personal security and people shouldn't worry about it. So yeah, here's a link from Ars and you can read for yourself.


What are we playing?

Yoda: Well it's time for the Quarterly Computer Clean up. Thankfully it goes by quite fast now with my case. But aside from getting myself covered in computer dust and whatnot, Koi Fish are back so gnna be throwing out rods to afk fish in BDO while I'm not pwning Newbs in seasonal.

Scrooloose: Hopefully just chilling a bit after having such a busy couple of weeks. I'll probably just continue stomping around in MechWarrior 5.

AJ: Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom and Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. (And perhaps also some Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.)

Greywolfe: biomutant is done! bar some achievement hunting [which i'm doing, quietly and in the background.] - the next big-ish game is probably final fantasy. i beat that several years ago, but i'm curious to see what the pixel remaster is like, so i snagged that and will be playing it, next. along with that, i'm picking up arthur again and continuing it. i have some ideas, so we'll see how they pan out - it's an adventure game, after all, and i might be VERY wrong about my puzzle solutions. if you want to play a sad-ish sort of game, i can heartily recommend "the long return." you're a fox re-tracing the last journey you and your mom took. yeah. it's exactly as sad as it sounds, but it has some neat puzzles [except the maze, which is dumb and the ice puzzles which are awkward because of the controls.]

Tru: More The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The control scheme is so hard to master. I turned off motion control cause I found them unreliable but I'm enjoying it. I love the art style. I will say Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time are still my favorites of the 3D Zelda games (yeah still not a HUGE fan of Breath of the Wild, much to like with it, but I still have major gripes).If I have time also more Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart on my PS5.

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