Category: WRUP


What's up guys? It's me Scrooloose! Hey, so I was gone last week and nobody picked up the WRUP even though I left a clearly written message stating I would, in fact, be gone. We skipped one WRUP as a result. Get it? Hard to find good, free help these days I guess. I can't be mad at these guys though, I'm not even the boss around here. Anyway --- Was anyone at the Watsky show at the Warfield in San Fransisco last weekend? I was there and that show was great. I went with some friends and my Sister, who rented us a legit Mystery Machine to drive around in for four days. We got ripped off hard on parking in a sketch ass dirt lot by the Tenderloin, however we had little choice but to accept the extra cost even though it was seriously fist waving time. The dude didn't even keep a ticket corresponding to our vehicle for the sake of effs! We could have told him we owned any of those cars and drove away with it! But we did at least get to watch two full seasons of the original Scooby Doo show. And when the horn was honked it said "Scoooby Dooby Doooo!!" and everyone around us took pictures and cheered. It was a great trip and hopefully I won't be doing any more of that kind of stuff until May when I leave for Ireland, because that shit is exhausting.

Here are a couple of blurry low light photos from the show and a sweet album cover shot of the Mystery Machine. Read more

Salt in the WRUP

Gotta say, it's looking too be a fairly demon heavy weekend. Or Demon-killing, rather.
Also send love to our resident old half-black and half-white wolf. He's got a real bad case of the very much not fun back issues :(

So don't forget to relax and enjoy the moments of quiet in your days off. And of course, kill more demons.

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Rush Wrup

Gotta be fast, the day is clear and I have work to do.

Devil May Cry 5 is out and quite a bit of fun when you can actually play the game. There are so many cutscenes I'm surprised it's not just a movie. Still looking forward to progressing though because it looks and runs quite well and it's ridiculous over the top silliness is something I really dig. Except, whoever decided to combine mouse and keyboard movement with the controller is high on so many drugs! Shift + Left Stick + Spacebar to dodge? WHAT?!!1one!! Read more

WRUP Time Again

Well #4if is done and life resumes as normal. The challengers turn away in triumph or defeat, taking advantage of a short a break before the preparation of next year's #4if. I think for the most part I did pretty well. As did the others taking part in the challenge here. Hopefully they too, will be recapping their experience this year.

On another note completely: Some new games are coming pretty soon. Division 2 is less than a week away and I have to say that I'm actually looking forward to trying this one out. Cody did a beta video of his experience and even though the voice acting is super bad, the game play looks pretty alright. Hopefully it'll prove less of let down than Anthem. Cody also may have an Apex Legends video review coming fairly soon and I'm excited to see that myself. Devil May Cry 5 is out next month and that's another game I'm a little surprised at being excited for. It uses the same game engine as the Resident Evil 2 remake and appears to rendered in much the same fashion. Which is good news because RE:2 is pretty well optimised and it looks fantastic. Read more

#4if Almost Over WRUP

Sorry I'm late writing WRUP words today, I've been busy working on a car so... excuses.

It's been a busy day for me. And the week has been slow and snowy so finally with the sun out I could do something productive, if a bit muddy. #4if is nearly done. Not just because we're finishing up our games lists, but also February is closing out quickly. Time: She is a fickle mistress. Luckily there are more months to come with games to play in equal fashion.

Anyone play Anthem? I'm still kind of interested in that, but I have other games going on now and I'm not sure I want to spend money on it yet. I'm not Destiny fan and Anthem does seem a lot like it. I'm hearing of long load screens and boring story but the game play I've seen looks interesting. Plus, I'm not a battle royale or hero shooter fan and after being surprised by how much I like Apex Legends it seems worth taking a shot something else I already have a preconceived notion about. Read more

Winter WRUP

Well, it's snowing heavily and it's cold, so I'm going to try and do this quickly before the power goes out.

#4if is coming long nicely for us. I've done 3 of my games now, and our team chat is busy with everyone's updates as well. I might just be able to finish this four in February if I can only stop playing Apex Legends for a few minutes to win a Dead Cells run.

Far Cry New Dawn is out and seems to actually be a good Far Cry game to my surprise. As well as Metro Exodus releasing on it's controversial Epic exclusive, one year timer. Still I'm seeing good things, even if the second real game to use RTX is using RTX rather poorly. I guess it comes down to personal preference when looking at using ray tracing. Fast frame rate and not quite as good lighting or, halved frame rate and some different lighting effects that are only really noticeable in certain situations. Ray tracing needs work but I still feel like eventually it'll make a real impact. Not worth it for me though, I didn't build a higher end system to run at 45FPS. Read more

WRUP Legends, Still #4if’ing

Well by now you've probably already seen Apex Legends. Developer, Respawn, launched this new battle royale, squad based hero shooter on Origin while saying nary a word about it. Kind of bad timing for a title to launch on Origin with Anthem right around the corner, but the games are different so they might stand apart. And here's the thing... I really don't like battle royale games or hero shooters, but Apex is somehow good even for me. Now, I'm not very good at it but I do okay. We do stream it on the Twinstiq, Twitch channel when we play so keep an eye on the Twitter for those announcements if you wanna come see us get plowed by people who actually are good this game. And if you're like me and just feel like everything about Fortnite is effing stupid and you wanna tear your eyeballs out every time you see any footage, or you find PubG slow and boring, or you think Overwatch and Quake Champions are just not quite what you expected, check out Apex Legends, because it really puts together the few good elements from all these kinds of games and makes a fun, totally free, well optimised, good looking title with some solid net code. There are still some small-ish bugs to work out but nothing game breaking. Things like server errors when heading back to the lobby, or the tutorial dialogue overlapping itself and obscuring what's being voiced. But it's easy to learn and again, even I like it. Read more

WRUP In #4if

Good day to you sirs and madammes. February is a time where four games shall fall to the weary eyes of the dogged player. I speak of the #4 in February. It looks like most of us at Twinstiq will be participating in this most honored of traditions. We have trained hard for this day and wear the war paint of the 4. The rules are simple and thus: Finish 4 games in the backlog in the month of February. A daunting task if there ever was one, and to the winners go no spoils. Only pride and public admiration for the accomplishment. Read more

WRUP Remake

Well the Resident Evil 2 remake is out and it's pretty good. I say that coming in as a guy who didn't really like the RE series back in the day. It's a complete overhaul and the game is all the better for it. I never did try the one shot demo that Capcom released a week or so back so I got a real intro to the game when I started playing the first time. There are two campaigns, one for each of the two main characters and hopefully the rest of the game is good enough to warrant a second play through so I can see that for myself. I did record some early footage (about 25 minutes), and here it is for your viewing... pleasure... I guess. ***This is gory stuff guys, so if that bothers you just don't click that video. Trust me. Read more

Weather WRUP

I'm sorry, I'm just not thinking of anything special to post for this week's WRUP. So I'll talk about the weather. We've been getting a lot of rain here. That's great because we need it, but too much of a good thing is a possibility for sure. The burn areas may wash out and cause some land slides. Road closures have already been taking place on and off to try and avoid people getting caught up in some of that. Looks like we'll get a break for the next couple of days and that's what we need honestly, so here's hoping the water doesn't just run off and leave us too dry. The next storms don't look quite as big as these last two so that would be welcome. I'm hoping that today I can open the house up and let some fresh air in since it looks like I'm not going to be working this weekend much, if at all. Yeah... boring. Maybe there will be games at least? Read more