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LA Cops Review – Let’s Book’em!

Developed by Modern Dream and published by Team17, there's no denying that LA Cops is similar to Hotline Miami. That's not a dig at LA Cops by any means, as without imitation and iteration we wouldn't have the FPS, RTS, or any other gaming genre. So while imitation isn't necessarily a bad thing the hope is that when you do something similar, you also do enough different to distinguish yourself while improving upon what came before. Does LA Cops manage to do that? Hit the break or watch the video to find out.


The style of LA Cops is fantastic. From the cell shaded rooms and characters to the ridiculous 70's cop show setting that recalls some of the best movies of my childhood. Even the music is great for a while, though it does get old due to the limited selection of tracks available. I really do have very little to complain about with this games presentation but there are a few issues. The first is that the camera doesn't zoom out enough to see an entire room, which means that you might have to walk halfway through a room away from all cover before you see that the far end is littered with Uzi wielding enemies. The second problem is that the objectives window is massive and useless. Most missions are just about killing all enemies, with maybe destroying some items, but the objectives window takes up such a large portion of the top right of the screen that it can block incoming enemies.


The gameplay of LA Cops is an isometric twin stick shooter with an element of tactics thrown in to differentiate it from Hotline Miami. When I first started playing the game, having not played Hotline Miami before this, I did not immediately have a good time. The game felt very tactical, having two characters you could either take direct control of, or use a 'move to' command to position your AI controlled partner. Bullets shot into walls draw the attention of enemies in adjoining rooms which can quickly overwhelm you as well, so it seemed necessary to stealth through levels, handcuffing as many enemies as possible before all hell finally breaks loose.

Sadly that's just not what LA Cops is. That is possibly what it aspires to be, but if so it falls short. In fact the only strategy that seemed to work was to go in guns blazing and lure enemies through doors. You have a second cop that the game instructs you to station at doorways, or to send him into a room through one door while you burst through a door on the other side, but sadly he's near useless as a true partner. Sometimes he will kill 4 or 5 enemies in as many seconds, and other times he will stand there not firing a single shot while enemies run through the doorway he is guarding. This leads to him being murdered, and shortly after you being murdered.

In LA Cops you get two police officers and a single, randomly placed resurrection per level in the form of a health pack. To use the health pack you need to find it, grab it, and return it to the body of your fallen partner. In reality it is almost always a better idea to have your partner stay far back out of harms way as a second life than it is to risk him by sending him to near certain death by trying to fight.

It doesn't help anything when the games mechanics seem like they are fighting you either. In a fast paced twitch style shooter like this where bullets are at a premium for the nice guns, it should be obvious what it will take to kill an enemy so that you can start to engage the next. In LA Cops I could sometimes kill an enemy in one shot, and other times it would take two or three shotgun shells at near point blank to take them down.

If you are locked onto an enemy and you have a clear line of site then you will always hit that enemy, which is essential for controller play and indeed feels essential for keyboard and mouse too, which is odd. It is so powerful that you can sometimes take our waves of 5 or 6 enemies without taking damage, simply by alternating the lock-on and fire buttons. The problem is that the game doesn't lock-on to the enemy closest to your reticle and instead it locks-on to the enemy closest to your character. This means you might have two enemies rushing through an open door, but you accidentally lock-on to an enemy behind you and in another room, leading to your death. Interestingly the lock-on feature is disabled in impossible difficulty, which makes controller play feel truly impossible.

Doors are another source of frustration in LA Cops. Most doors are closed when you first come to them and you can swing them open either way just by moving into them. Sometimes though the door will explode for no reason leaving you exposed to enemy fire. Additionally doors can be used to stun enemies by swinging the door into them, as long as they aren't walking in the remote direction of the door. If they are then you'll just end up pushing on each side of the door and slowly opening it.

Another way that the game stands out from the crowd is it's stable of playable characters. You can pick from an assortment of cops, each of which can be leveled up individually. This makes each cop unique as you experiment, but you quickly realize that unless you want to repeat the same levels over and over to grind for XP it's just better to stick with two characters throughout the game. XP is shared among all officers as well, so you can either spend your XP leveling up one cop, the two cops you are using, or seriously dilute it by spending it on more cops. Make no mistake either, you'll need to spend you XP if you want to get anywhere in the game, leveling up things ranging from starting weapon, clip size, health, damage, and speed.


LA Cops has many problems that keep it from being a classic like the game it takes inspiration from, but it does enough to stand apart that it's a fun game in it's own right. With 9 levels to play, a selection of bonus levels, multiple officers that are really just different skins, and an attempt at tactical gameplay that just turns into an interesting way to handle multiple lives, LA cops is a fun little game that kept me interested for a while but ultimately didn't make any headway into my daily gaming schedule.

LA Cops gets a 2 1/2 out of 5, but with the caveat that most of it's problems could be patched. Indeed the developers have stated that they are working on the partner AI, so this could all change in the future. My recommendation is to pick it up if you find it on sale for $10 or less, but unless you are a huge fan of this fledgling genre I wouldn't pay full price while there are more coherent offerings out there.

Author: Billy C
Source: Review copy provided to by Team17 Digital Ltd.
Rating: 2 1/2 out of 5
Developer: Modern Dream
Platform: Reviewed on PC, also available for XBox One and Mac.

Xbox Games With Gold In April

As Microsoft promised last month, they are offering double the amount of free games on offer in April. Well, technically, that isn't true. At least not for Xbox One users.

So, if you are an Xbox 360 gamer, you are in luck! If not, then unfortunately, you're not so lucky. Not sure why Microsoft has decided to snub those Xbox One users, but hey... Free is still free

Head after the jump for the list.

Child of Light: Available all month on Xbox One
Pool Nation FX: Available all month on Xbox One
Gears of War: Judgment: Available from April 1-15 on Xbox 360
Terraria: Available from April 1-15 on Xbox 360
Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel: Available from April 16-31 on Xbox 360
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag: Available from April 16-31 on Xbox 360

Shocking News for Xbox One Owners

VentureBeat has shared some startling news: Researchers have found that if your XboxOne is in “Instant On” mode, it’s likely adding a decent amount of energy consumption to your already hefty electric bill. The Natural Resources Defense Council environmental group, or NRDC for short, told our friends at Microsoft that the console had a serious problem with its energy consumption. Now you might be asking, how much extra energy does it actually use? To be honest the numbers are staggering. In their recent study, NRDC confirmed that an extra 10 to 11 Billion kilowatt-hours are used from the 7 million consoles that were sold in North America. How much is that exactly? To put it into an idea, "enough to provide electricity to every home in Houston for a year."
Wait a minute, Houston? A city with a population of over 2.19 million people? That figures out roughly to be a staggering $250 million a year in extra electricity charges.

Microsoft however does know about the situation. They've implemented certain power saving features to correct the problem, but NRDC claims it's just not enough. Before the quick fixes, the "Instant On" feature used somewhere around 18 watts, now it's closer to 12.5. One of the alternative ideas to fix the problem that was brought before Microsoft, included the option to change the “Instant On” to where it completely shuts down the power of the Xbox One and disables the capability to power it on with your voice.

Hold on here, doesn't it come with that feature already? Oh yeah, my bad, only Xbox Ones purchased in Europe came with this feature. How could I have possibly forgotten.

The NRDC claims that the Xbox One isn't the only massive energy hog. The PS4 has a very similar “Standby Mode," that allows the console to download updates and run certain software in the background while not turned off. Sony has already been working with its power problem, they released an update recently that shuts off any power to its USB ports after the system’s controller is finished charging.

NRDC responds by saying they will be working closely with Microsoft until the problem has been resolved and the energy consumption has been reduced to "normal" levels.



First Look at Halo Online

A Halo Online Trailer draws near...

This is our first real look at the game, showing off character customization, and what looks like a ton of available weapons.  More after the break.

This is Microsoft's first huge free-to-play offering, combined with a top-tier IP. Perhaps Russia is a test bed for something  that has the potential to go worldwide, but for now Microsoft and 343 are focusing on the upcoming Halo 5 launch. Are you more interested in traditional Halo matchmaking, an online-focused competitive environment, or are you just in it for the campaign and co-op? Please let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: YouTube

New Nintendo eShop Releases: These Aren’t the Downloads You’re Looking For

You can go about your business. That's because, if you're like me, none of this week's new eShop releases are games you were really clamoring for (no offense, Dot Arcade guys). With that in mind, I have decided to put together a little list. A small handful of games I would be excited to see hit the eShop. Specifically, a list of Super Nintendo Virtual Console games. So, if you are reading this, Nintendo (and I hope that you are), these are my demands:

  • Star Fox
  • Sunset Riders
  • Maximum Carnage
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time
  • Super Star Wars

I don't want to hear any nonsense about emulation issues or not being able to acquire the rights. Just make it happen. Please and thank you. Everyone else can move along past the break if you still want to see this week's new releases. Just try not to be too disappointed when you don't see any of the ones I just mentioned. Also, feel free to leave your own list of game demands for Nintendo in the comments section.

Wii U

  • Dot Arcade (James Montagna, 1 player, $4.99)
  • Namco Museum (Game Boy Advance Virtual Console) (Namco Bandai Games, 1 player, $6.99)


[Image: Nintendo]

Andrew J Amideo
[Source: Business Wire]

GenCon versus State of Indiana over “religious freedom” bill.

Gamers are a diverse lot of people who also like to go to conventions. One such convention is GenCon, one of the largest in the USA. While GenCon isn't specifically gamer oriented [it's very much about gaming in general as opposed to video gaming, in particular] it does cover video gaming topics and, as such, what happens here might be important for more narrow conventions everywhere.

GenCon is generally held in Indianapolis. That particular state has passed a rather noxious bill by the name of SB 101.

While SB 101 is - at it's core - about religious freedom, it could be used in all kinds of other ways. Naturally, this has GenCon rather worried.

Part of this worry ties into how the bill might be used to bad ends - for example, it's not difficult to see how a bill about religious freedom could be misinterpreted to also mean banning folks with an orientation [or the like] because they are curtailing people's "right to practice their religion."

GenCon has sent a letter to the representatives of Indianapolis noting that the convention draws in a fair amount of money and that this, in turn, helps the state's income.

SB 101 has passed and this has prompted GenCon to post a letter on their website detailing their future plans. [Spoiler:  they're staying in Indianapolis for the time being, since they have a contract with that state.]

After 2020, though? It remains to be seen what GenCon will do.

Ys VI and Akiba’s Trip Coming to Windows

Two XSEED games are making their way to the Windows operating system, and will be available on Steam, GoG, and the Humble Bundle Store.
Both games are expected to release in spring, meaning you'll be able to download them very soon. Great news for Japanese game enthusiasts!  Are there any other Japanese game franchises you'd like to see on Windows or other PC OSes? Personally I'm hoping for the Katamari and Dragon Quest series!
Source: PC Gamer