GenCon versus State of Indiana over “religious freedom” bill.

Gamers are a diverse lot of people who also like to go to conventions. One such convention is GenCon, one of the largest in the USA. While GenCon isn't specifically gamer oriented [it's very much about gaming in general as opposed to video gaming, in particular] it does cover video gaming topics and, as such, what happens here might be important for more narrow conventions everywhere.

GenCon is generally held in Indianapolis. That particular state has passed a rather noxious bill by the name of SB 101.

While SB 101 is - at it's core - about religious freedom, it could be used in all kinds of other ways. Naturally, this has GenCon rather worried.

Part of this worry ties into how the bill might be used to bad ends - for example, it's not difficult to see how a bill about religious freedom could be misinterpreted to also mean banning folks with an orientation [or the like] because they are curtailing people's "right to practice their religion."

GenCon has sent a letter to the representatives of Indianapolis noting that the convention draws in a fair amount of money and that this, in turn, helps the state's income.

SB 101 has passed and this has prompted GenCon to post a letter on their website detailing their future plans. [Spoiler:  they're staying in Indianapolis for the time being, since they have a contract with that state.]

After 2020, though? It remains to be seen what GenCon will do.

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