Author: scrooloose

I've been a gamer since a young age, my first experiences were with my old Atari 2600. Nowadays I'm mostly a PC guy but I also play board games when I have the group for it. And I love wrenching on cars besides.

My Diablo 4 Open Beta Weekend Impressions

I wasn't going to play the Diablo 4 open beta. I had decided it was going to be too much hassle to wait in long ques and barely get to play over what was already a short time. I would just wait for people to give their written impressions and take a look at some videos to get an idea of what things would be like. Then as the weekend crept up I bent to the winds, reinstalled and downloaded the massive 85 gigabyte limited access demo. So stick with me in my little op-ed and I'll tell you what I thought about it. Read more

Squeaking By WRUP

Good morning everyone. CA is washing away. I have had two days of pretty torrential rain and somehow I still have about a foot of snow on the ground from the last storms. Tons of flooding all around me. Thankfully not here because I'm on a hill so I'm only seeing minor issues like overflow from the creek running across the driveway and overloaded drainage from the road. My dad finally had his heart surgery, which is awesome. What's not awesome is that he came home and promptly tested positive for COVID. So he and my mom both have it. Somehow I'm still negative. The VA sent him a dosage of Paxlovid overnight via UPS but with the storm they couldn't get here. Now it's Saturday and UPS doesn't run on Saturday or Sunday so unless they passed it off to the USPS we won't see it until Monday. Paxlovid is supposed to be taken within a few days of symptoms so I'm not even sure he'll get any benefit from it. He's not seeing very bad effects yet anyway, a light cough and that's about it. Mom, on the other hand, is hit pretty hard. She went from feeling fine to coughing, to bed ridden. Her Paxlovid did come in and we managed to get it from the pharmacy along with a rescue inhaler and some other stuff to keep her okay. Somehow I'm just riding out the storm and staying negative while testing. Everyone is masked up, I'm quarantining and we're just keeping things as sanitary as possible. Read more

Now About That WRUP

Well, hello everyone and here's hoping you're all out of the snow. Here in CA, you may have heard, we're being absolutely smashed by literal tons of the stuff. I had 33 inches after the weather stopped a day or so back. I still have over two feet and the forecast says I may be seeing another eight inches between tonight and tomorrow. I was without power for most of last week so hopefully it holds out through the end of this incoming, smaller storm. Read more

For [WRUP’s] Sake

Good morning everyone. Man it's been an incredibly busy couple of weeks for me and today will be no different. In fact it may not be too different until the end of March. Last week I missed the WRUP all together and this week I don't really have a whole lot to mention, but let's go to it anyway. Read more