Author: Cody Hall

Still impatiently waiting for a Tak reboot.

Yoda’s Top 3 Games of 2016

Okay so while I didn’t get to play a whole lot of games that came out this year (due to a certain 2011 themed project!) the ones I did get time with were all really good! And so I’m just going to get straight to the point and list my three favorites from the year! Because that's what gaming websites do :P

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WRUP Would He-Man Do?

He-Man has nothing to do with Giant Bird-Dogs and Xenomorphs you say? Well that's just too bad cuz here's the song you get to listen to while Dr. S is gone, opening up a Brothel for Ugnaughts.


Hmmmm. Goes well with DOTA i might add. Oh and a special thanks to Tru for the choice of these radioactive Rabbits :D
So what are we all doing this weekend?

  • Andrew: Garou: Mark of the Wolves
  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): I'm so old I've forgotten how to find my way home. Can someone please help?
  • Scrooloose: 
  • Thomas (Twitter): I have kept secret my deepest desires for long enough, I am off too follow my dreams and establish an institution where Ugnaughts can truely use their natural mating call!
  • TruLegendKiller: Alien: Isolation, Gears of War 4, and now.... Drum Roll Please.... THE LAST GUARDIAN! It's finally here people, time to freak the freak out!
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Alien: Isolation!!!! So much Fun, but lots of shitting in my pants :P

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It’s time for a Good Green Lantern Game

Sure, I may be cheating by not counting this as a Nonstiq topic. But I do think it's time we talked about how a Green Lantern game could work if done by a competent studio with a full development cycle. Why am I doing this? Well mainly because I just recently got into the Green Lantern Mythos and have been rather disappointed with myself for putting it off for nearly 20 years. Because as  a huge Star Wars fan, the Green Lantern lore has been right up my alley, but more on that later. In about 3 years we’re going to be seeing Warner Brothers take another shot at the Lanterns on the big screen with the Green Lantern Corps film. And of course, I hope the rumors about CW maybe taking a crack at a Lantern's Light are true. I would honestly trade all that for a proper Green Lantern Game, not just a movie-tie in serving as a quick cash grab.

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Twinstiq Game Club Plays: Bothers – A Tale of Two Sons

Welcome to Twinstiq's Game club, where we each nominate a game and then - as a team - play the game to completion, talking about it in a little weekly podcast on a Sunday.

Right now, we are playing Bothers - A Tale of Two Sons.

If you want to play along with us, we encourage you to do so! This game will only be played this week since it's so short. If you want to to join our discussion of the game, we will be talking about it on September 18th at 12:00pm PST.

First, you'll need to buy the game. Either from your local retailer or through digital Download on PSN, Xbox Live, or Steam. The game will run you $14.99 USD.

IMPORTANT: This game MUST be played with a controller that features TWO Analogue sticks.

Sorry Mouse lovers there is just no getting around this one, but I promise you its still worth your time.

If you want to interact with us on Steam, you can find the Game Club Curation Page here.

And the actual Twinstiq Game Club Group page here.

Again we will be discussion the game on Google Hangouts on August 14th at 12:00pm PST, if joining said discussion interests you please DM @Yoda0VGs on Twitter or email me.

Vital WRUP

Dr. S has flown the coop again so you poor souls are stuck with me and my wacky taste in music. This weeks ear worm should pair well with everyone's seemingly hectic weekend over the horizon. Hey as long as the music pairs well with Dirty Bomb or Overwatch then I'm good :D

So as the Seagulls mutter, "Watcha doin'  with your life?"

  • AndrewMy son and I are still playing Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. I also picked up the novelization of the recent Insomniac game, Song of the Deep. We are reading that together as well.
  • Danteg: I've been playing Shadows of Mordor for a couple of weeks. I'm almost done with the main story, so I'll be playing it this weekend.
  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): Well guys, I'm just so damn old. Plus, I have missplaced my sundial. It is impossible for me to keep track of the days without it.
  • Scrooloose:Well, Finished up Ghostbusters for Game Club and we'll be talking about it Sunday. Jumped into some more Doom: Super Nightmare mode using Vulkan and man that's smooth. I'm looking at picking up Abzu or Song of the Deep pretty soon, they've both interested me quite a bit. That's about it for me this week.
  • Thomas (Twitter): Cody has me locked away and all I have with me is a Gizmondo. Dr. S needs food badly. Help!
  • TruLegendKiller: Hello Internet and welcome to another Twinstiq #wrup this week Game Club has been finishing up Ghostbusters: The Video Game (2009) so if you are playing along with us, be sure to finish up the last three chapters. I had picked up Assassin's Creed Unity and Syndicate. After putting five hours or so into Unity, I finally gave up on it. The game is, by far, the worst of the series. So I moved onto Syndicate, and I am loving it, I dare say it may be the best of the series. I'm still playing Marvel Heroes 2016 and I just got my hands on the first two Witcher games so I may be starting those soon.
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Picked up This Is The Police and look forward to trying that out. Still digging RockSmith and Overwatch, though I do wanna try harder to play more Dota with Ti6 right around the corner. And I'm still debating picking up ABZÛ because that game looks like the dopeness.

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