WRUP Extra

Good morning and a belated happy new year to you all. Last week I was really sick and I could barely open my eyes so I didn't write anything.

Luckily I'm not sick any longer and there are a few things to look at from the past week.

Firstly: According to WccfTech the rumor of a "big Navi" is looking more and more relevant after some info has appeared showing an AMD GPU outperforming the 2080ti by some 17 percent. As per the source, the test was done in an OpenVR benchmark and those tend to favor Nvidia so it's a little intriguing if this information actually holds water. You can read the article yourself here.

Secondly: The world of SSD's is getting a lot faster and beginning to look a lot like game rendering hardware. Techradar has posted about a new Gigabyte SSD in the enterprise category that looks very similar to a GPU or capture card. The unit sports four 512GB SSD's running in RAID configuration and read/write speeds are an insanely fast 6.3 and 5.9GBps respectively. It doesn't come cheap as one would expect but it's impressive nonetheless. Check it out here.

Thirdly: Looking for something silly and maybe practical to add to your PC depending on how much you smoke and drink at your computer desk in the year 2020? Well look no further than the Thermaltake XRay. If that makes you curious, please check out this video from LGR.

And finally, speaking of videos, I've been playing a lot of MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries. Like, a lot. Since I was sick and could do naught else but sleep and game I stacked up some hours in the stompy robots genre. I've created some content for the LP channel on YouTube and the latest video can be watched directly below if you're interested in seeing a compilation of artillery based bad guy blasting.

What's Everyone Playing This Weekend?

Greywolfe: since i'm back, i've picked up my game of shovel knight: king of cards. i've also decided that for sierra january [because i missed out playing those games for most of december, as a result of being away], i'm going to try police quest 4. which is probably a terrible game. yolo, i guess? hello, fellow kids :P

AJ: Catching up on the last of my 2019 standouts and finalizing my games of the year list. I’ll be playing some Million Arthur: Arcana Blood, Metro: Exodus, Ace Combat 7, and Dirt: Rally 2.0.

Scroo: More MechWarrior 5 for me and probably more Phoenix Point along with Borderlands 3. I'm feeling better since being sick and I'll be catching up on work hopefully making some money.

Yoda: Most likely gnna be a board game weekend. And I wanna finally take sometime to check out Disco Elysium in between pretending to be Han Solo in Warframe :P

TrulegendKiller: Well, more Warframe unless the game keeps crashing. Might try to complete Control or Death Stranding. If I get more of a chance then I will be playing more Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

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