I’m sick, my head feels like it’s exploding about 10 times per second and existence is suffering.

So, what is everyone playing over the weekend?


Scroo:  Still playing Dark Souls 3, still making videos for the LP channel. I finally finished Doom, what a great experience that was, already started Ultra-Nightmare mode. I still can't stream it though, and it's hard to record without crashes. I really hope that's an issue that's fixed asap because I'd love to get a few videos of it up. I also fired up Galak-Z and that's been pretty fun, great art direction, good sound and sort of a nostalgic feeling game play. And finally, I'm thinking pretty strongly about a GPU upgrade pretty soon. With the new Nvidia 1080 releasing on the 27th and the 1070 on June 10th, I'll be looking for price drops. I have my eye on a 390x now since the newest generation cards aren't going to use High Bandwidth Memory after all until the end of the year; aside from the Pro 2 Duo, but I don't have $1500 for a GPU. Even if that doesn't happen right away the new 14nm Polaris GPU's are expected to be officially announced on June first, and even unofficially they aren't much better so far in benchmarks than the current generation, except for the GPU core speed itself. Still, price drops.

Greywolfe: king's quest six.  maybe.  lol.  i can't stick to that game.  also:  finalizing my short run through of spellweaver so i can write something about it for monday, it's ok.  it has HUGE pvp problems.  HUGE.  i'm also making good time in simon the sorcerer - although, in that game, i'm stopping to smell the roses a bit and talking to everyone, because it's kind of awkward sense of humour is...awkward.

Yoda: Oh well I wonder what I'll be playing for me 3 day weekend... Hmmm. It's fucking Overwatch lol Maybe I'll do a short Yoda sucks at Dota as well, but also lots of Overwatch. :D

Andrew: I'm going to tentatively say Forza 5 and/or Gran Turismo 6.

Dr. S: Between my head exploding in real life, I might cut some off in Witcher 3 (getting ready for the new DLC by finally trying to finish the base game) and blow some up in Overwatch, or Uncharted or any of the other three million great titles released in the last few months.


  1. Avatar
    Tim Chesson says:

    Bloodborne has consumed me. It almost kept me from completing DOOM, but I did wrap that up a couple of nights ago. Now I’m playing around with the Snapmap feature, and might try some multiplayer. And in a few minutes I’ll be jumping into Battlefront with a buddy.

    But mostly Bloodborne. And trying to decide if I restart Dark Souls 1 afterwards or just jump ahead and proceed to Dark Souls 2.

    • Avatar
      Dr. Strangethumb says:

      one of these days i get back into bloodborne. From what i’ve heard you should go straight for DS3, since thats much closer to Bloodborne. Or Demon Souls (which you might already own if you are a long time ps+ member)

      • Avatar
        Tim Chesson says:

        I read that DS3 is a bit faster paced like BB, but I read elsewhere that DS2 might be a bit easier. Either way, it’ll be later this year I’m sure. I’m still very much in the thick of Bloodborne and I’m sure I’ll need some space between these titles.

        Demon Souls I do not have, or at least I don’t think so. Even if I do, I no longer have a PS3 to play it on.

        • Scrooloose
          Scrooloose says:

          I felt like DS2 was a bit easier than DS1 and DS3 is easier than all previous titles; and it does move along a bit quicker. I can’t speak to Demon’s Souls as of yet, since I also don’t have a PS3. But in a few weeks I can borrow Yoda’s and get on it.

          I’d say if you have DS2 and just like the Souls games like I do then go for it and then hit up 3. But other than just liking the games there’s no real reason to go through 2 before 3 aside from the little tributes payed to DS2 in DS3 that are cool to come across.

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          brokedownsystem says:

          Dark Souls 3 still plays like Dark Souls. I haven’t felt any of that faster paced BB action I’ve been missing.

          DS2 is definitely easier. It involves a lot of circle strafing and not really having to break away from that strategy. I did have a hell of a time with 1 early boss, that might’ve helped make the game easier the rest of the way.

    • Avatar
      brokedownsystem says:

      Did you ever finish Dark Souls 1? It’s worth it, though the game isn’t my favorite (I still prefer Demon’s Spuls over all others).

      Dark Souls 2 was good-not-great for which I could go on and on about, but I’ve been hearing that the ps4 release (scholar of the first sin), is much better in terms of how the enemy placements are laid out, and lending to an overall better game (plus including all the dlc’s). The challenge here though is time. I haven’t even played the dark souls 1 dlc (my character is too weak to take it on, so I actually have to go farther into my 2nd ds1 rotation before I can even can try it).
      So don’t make that same mistake; play the dlc but don’t actually beat the last boss (this’s a good general rule for Fromsoft titles).

      Dark Souls 2 should have the lowest priority of all the FS titles. Easily their weakest game.

  2. Avatar
    brokedownsystem says:

    It’s been a tough week office. I unwound with a few hrs of the borderlands pre-sequel on Friday. My couch co-op busy is little bit too much of a hoarder though, and it was pretty warm on Friday (my thermostat wasn’t behaving again, and so the ac didn’t trigger when it should), so I ended up walking off cliffs at least 3-4 times and finally busted by my friend towards the end of our session when he exclaimed “hey wake up are you bored or something?”

    Too many games out. I finally got the Far Harbor up and running by deleting Fallout 4, re-installing, and then re-installing just the far harbor dlc for good measure. So I’m set to come back to f04 finally.

    Tonight though, it’s just some late-nite division. Reaching the level 30 cap in another weekend or two.

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