Mega News Everyone…Kinda Maybe

Capcom announced the existence of Mega Man Legacy Collection, and if you are a fan of the old school blue bomber then you're in for a serious treat. After the break that is.
Mega Man Legacy Collection will bundle together the first six  games from the original Mega Man series. It's a little odd that they chose to stop at number 6, but it's possible they are saving the the rest for a version 2 down the road. The announcement states that while the games will retain their 8-bit style they are going to have an "HD finish".  I assume that means some kind of filter, the same kind available in most emulators these days I imagine. I just hope you'll have the ability to turn it off if you don't like it.Mega Man Legacy Collection will also feature a museum mode which is some kind of collection of art and Mega Man history with concept pieces and sketches thrown in. The odd thing is that the game will be developed on a new engine, the Eclipse Engine, instead of using one of the pre-existing emulator technologies.

But the big news for this pack, in my eyes, is the inclusion of the Challenge Remix Mode, which sounds a lot like the NES Remix games. It'll provide new challenges and difficulty trials for each of the six games, as well as provide an easier learning curve for newbies to the Mega Man style.  That certainly sounds like it could be worth the money, especially since it's announced price is $14.99,  which I feel is more than reasonable for the six games in the collection, not to mention the remix mode and the history archive.

The game is due out this summer for PS4, XBone, and even the PC! It'll also be coming to the 3DS in the winter. Oh, and it's also got some leaderboards and video replays of top players if you're into that kind of thing.

Author: Billy C
Game: Mega Man Legacy Collection
Developer: Digital Eclipse
Publisher: Capcom
Price: $14.99
Release Date: Summer 2015 for PS4, XBone, PC. Winter for 3DS

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