Mirror’s Edge Catalyst?

Is Catalyst the  official name of Mirror's Edge 2? A trademark registered in Europe seems to hint at it. Continue after the break for more info, including some speculation! Ooh speculation!
First the trademark filing for Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and now a teaser image on the Mirror's Edge twitter (@mirrorsedge).
Now, this does seem to indicate that there will be a game titled Mirror's Edge Catalyst, but that doesn't mean that it will be Mirror's Edge 2. It could easily be a VITA game or something similar, or even an iOS endless runner companion game to Mirror's Edge 2. Still, with the upcoming game supposedly set to be a prequel, catalyst would make perfect sense for a title.I personally loved Mirror's Edge, though I felt that the combat was entirely out of place. It felt like it should have been about speed running and finding the best path through each level, not about fighting or dodging gunfire. Still, I have high hopes for Mirror's Edge 2, but what about you? Did you play the first game? Are you interested in picking up the second? Let us know in the comments below.

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