WRUP Time Again

It's raining. Let's WRUP.

It seems a bit early for a Last of us two remaster, but here we are. Well, here we'll be come next January, anyway. In fairness though, the remaster will go right to PS5 with a whole lot of new features including: new game modes, unlockable frame rates, cut levels, new playable characters, optimized loading times and more beyond. If you already own the PS4 version you'll be able to upgrade to the remaster for just $10 and carry your saves over. The Verge has the info here.

If you're playing Alan Wake 2, you may notice some performance enhancement as update 12 has included more than 100 improvements and fixes. PS5 performance mode picked up a boost. PC, Xbox and PS5 have all been granted better visuals, DLSS performs better for PC and global streaming has been improved. All this on top of just a bunch of bug fixes are likely to make your Alan Wake 2 experience an even more bone shaking one. WCCFTech has a bit more of a complete list.

Speaking of big ass patches, Lords of the Fallen version 1.1.326 was released and made some changes to the sometimes sketchy lock-on system as well as increasing boss difficulty and addressing more performance, stability and bugs. Some folks found a broken ending to the game, that's been fixed complete with retroactive achievements. PVP has received a balance pass, though I maintain through my own opinion that PVP is still what I like to call - the absolute worst - in this game, but that's beside the point. They're still working on solving game breaking crash fixes so for now keep backing up your save files. Here's a whole report from Gamerant.

That's it from me. As usual I've got a busy weekend. Blegh. I'd love to just be bored for a day.

What are we playing?

AJ: I just recently acquired a custom physical release of a slightly modified version of the Genesis classic Splatterhouse 2, as well as a physical version of Cotton Fantasy for the Switch, so I will likely be playing those a bit this weekend.

Scrooloose: I'm going to start NG+ in Lords of the Fallen and hopefully unlock the Dark Crusader class. I'm irritated because I finished the game and did the quest line to unlock Dark Crusader only to find out that once you defeat a certain boss you're locked out of completing the quest line and finalizing said unlock. So I'll probably just start NG+ 0 and blast through at level 160+ to complete that so I can check it out.

Greywolfe: finishing up stray. if you haven't, you should absolutely play it. it has the most WONDERFULLY animated cat you're likely to see in all of gaming. if your cat can do it, it's very likely that this cat can. scratching things? you bet. curling up in unexpected places? you bet. looking as adorable as possible? you bet. stray is a masterclass in world building /and/ cat movement. not sure what i'm going to play after. both "small saga" and "of blades and tails" released simultaneously, more-or-less, and i've been curious about both. so maybe one of those?