Here We Go Again On Our WRUP

Well, good morning. Hopefully everyone had a good Thanksgiving, ate too much, held down the couch and didn't argue too much with relatives who hadn't been around since last year. Mine was great. Lots of food and a sunny day so we ate outside and once the night cooled down we lit the fire pits, had a few beers and ended the night with scotch and cigars. Not too big of a crowd this time around. But that's okay. We had a great time and a ton of laughs. Thanksgiving is of course not bespoke to the US, but we seem to relate our celebration to some form of independence. Not true, the real story is sordid and bleak with no shortage classism and racism etc. But, that doesn't mean we can't celebrate the tradition in the way it's evolved over time by just getting together, eating too much turkey for some reason and trying not to murder each other based on our differences in ideals. Let's get to the WRUP.

Sony is in a bit of hot water over the alleged unfair treatment of its store pricing. The United Kingdom brought a mass lawsuit (class action to those of us in the states) to the tune of some 6.3 billion pounds over Sony's handling of its PlayStation store prices. Sony sets its own pricing, mandates that digital products sold can only be sold through the PlayStation store then charges a 30% fee to publishers who sell there. The argument stems from the monopolistic practice that the store imposes. Certainly the PlayStation store regularly has deals on products, good ones at that. However, not allowing sellers to value their own products to be sold and then charging a set 30% commission is being seen as unfair. It's not impossible that customers would have paid less if the terms were more lenient. The original case was filed in 2022. We'll have to wait and see how it shakes out. Reuters has the story here.

Okay guys I'm going to leave this WRUP a bit short. The only things left to discuss would be Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, but I bet you don't need my help to find those since advertisers and store fronts are bombarding every TV spot, mobile news feed and email around with endless "just for you" recommendations. So, have a great weekend everyone. I'm going to do laundry and other mundane chores.

What are we playing while not eating leftovers?

Greywolfe: i beat maniac mansion! i thought it was very ok. but now, i'm stuck for what to play. ahhhhhh!

AJ: I recently acquired the Neo-Geo Arcade Stick Pro (combination arcade stick/mini console) so I will likely be playing with that a bit. I also just got SteamWorld Quest on the Nintendo Switch eshop which I will probably be checking out as well.

Scrooloose: I'll be cruising along in Lords of the Fallen. I unlocked the Dark Crusader class so I'm playing a new game with them. I still really want to grab a copy of The Invincible as well.