WRUP, Oh, Wrup

Well the WRUP is getting posted late again. You know what that means! Cody must be in charge! So you get songs that have a word that starts with a "W" and we blame Dr. S for being a Lazy Lucy! 

But obviously the important thing is what the WRUP is everyone playing?!?!?

  • Greywolfe (Twitter, YouTube): I am playing the "I'm not really here" game.
  • Scrooloose: Grim Dawn of course. Still into Far Cry 4 as it's been surprisingly good. Primordia for Game Club and that's been very good. Finally, I fired up Ziggurat for the first time, it's a kind of Rougelike old school shooter and provides a fun challenge. I'm still planning on playing the Darksiders: Warmastered Edition and writing about it, but it's going to be one of those that I will dive into and I don't want distractions when I do.
  • Thomas (Twitter): nothing, too busy with life and shit. Maybe some Plants vs. Zombies Heroes on my phone
  • TruLegendKiller: Endless amounts of Final Fantasy XV, oh and our Game club game whenever I can pry myself from Final Fantasy.
  • Yoda0VGs (Twitter): Really enjoying Primordia so far. Thanks for the nomination Grey! Aside from that I'm mainly looking forward to Dming some Star Wars table top role-playing!!


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    Tim Chesson says:

    I spent the weekend playing a lot of Borderlands 2 actually. Some friends came over Friday night and we played that splitscreen along with my son. Then I also grabbed the Vita verson since it was $5 and started a new character there. Sunday saw me spending more time playing Borderlands 1 with my son splitscreen on the Xbox.

    But in between all that shooting I managed to knock out the Smelter Demon, the Old Iron King and the Royal Rat Authority in Dark Souls 2. Tonight I plan to have fun storming the Castle Drangleic.

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        Tim Chesson says:

        After hearing so many less than favorable statements about it, I’m glad I bought it to form my own opinion. I still feels it’s the weakest of the series but it’s also a great game in it’s own right. And I’m glad I saved it for last, because it feels the easiest. Whether that’s because I’m very familiar with the mechanics now, or that I’m a level 120 sorcerer, I’m not sure.

        • Scrooloose
          Scrooloose says:

          Yeah I liked 2 a lot actually. They had a different director so it does feel different and maybe weaker as a whole. But i loved the idea of being able to upgrade armor as well as weapons and shields. The PvP needed work but it was fun. And the black spirit NPC’s were a great touch.

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