This Time It’s WRUP

Weekend. WRUP. Do it.

Hey everyone, it's time for WRUP. Of course I'm working today so again it's a short one from me.

Hey, Diablo 4 is available to play as long as you spent $100 for the "early" launch. I did not do that seeing as (A) that's a bunch of bullshit. The afternoon/evening (locally for me) of the first is the launch date and those who didn't spend the money get punished by having to wait until the sixth. And (B) The rewards for the deluxe edition order are for games that are not Diablo 4 and are thus useless to me. And (C) I'm really exited to play but I'm not a fan of giving Blizz an extra bump to play a few days "early". Not only because of point A, but Blizz has some scummy ethics and I'm not going to support that with more than is required.

If you started day one playing on PC you probably had a great time with quick login ques and smooth game play. If you started on PlayStation and to a lesser extent Xbox, you likely received an error saying there was no game license - error code 315306 to be specific and you couldn't play for quite a time. Luckily that seems to be fixed now but if for some reason you're getting the code you can work around it by downloading something else that's not in your library. The install seems to refresh the license for D4 and you can play normally. If you see the error on PC just hit up your and click the restart and update. That should do the job. Hopefully this is a non-issue now and the workaround isn't even needed. I looked this up when a friend who has this on her PS5 was unable to log in. I found a few sources for info but here's the gist from Windows Central.

That's it from me, I have to get going... again. Have a great weekend everyone. I'll see you in Sanctuary on the 6th.

What's on the Agenda?

Greywolfe: finished off infernax.  infernax remains a mostly-good triumph of modern-retro design.  well worth your time to play [but play it with a guide.  the morality system is a little obtuse and if you're looking for a specific sort of run, you might get tripped up by some of the encounters and the way they play out.] - on to a game i've been thinking about playing for a LONG time now:  bug fables.  it's very n64 and very inspired by mario rpg, but does it's own particular thing for plot and combat abilities.  fun if you're into that.  i'm still reserving judgement.  i stalled on mario rpg several years ago when i tried it.

AJ: Just picked up Street Fighter 6, against my better judgment. The last entry was the worst in the series since 1. Here's hoping Capcom has learned from their numerous mistakes. I also may play some Sonic Mania and/or Hades.