Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is awesome, you really should play it. Great character controller, lots of good music including the option to drop your own tracks in and listen to them, a story that doesn't totally suck and the biggest most exaggerated explosions since Just Cause. But for me one of the coolest features is the built in paint program that allows you to make your own skins for your ships. That's like some old school flight sim stuff right there. I put a cool tusky face on the front of my current ship and I don't think it turned out bad for a guy who doesn't know to draw in Photoshop.
In real space - There's a bunch of Tardigrades maybe living on the moon now since an Israeli space craft crashed there. I'm sure you've heard about that by now. It's been in my news feeds all week long. And It seems that astronomers have spotted a black hole eating a neutron star. That's pretty amazing. And there's a new theory that a small, incompletely formed planet collided with Jupiter some four and half billion years ago. But that's not all... I also read about a rouge star screaming away from our galactic center at around four million miles per hour, seemingly slingshot away by our own Milky Way's supermassive black hole. Some really cool things are happening in astronomy.
Also Cody is still playing the absolute crap out of Warframe. And Dr. S. is exploring the No Man's Sky Beyond update, probably right now. So there's that.
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