Tag: Square Enix

New PlayStation Store Releases: Back to the Future!

So, Back to the Future day is nearly upon us! October 21, 2015, to be precise. If you've seen the movies (hopefully everybody has), you should remember that as the date that Marty and Doc time-travel to when they visit the future in Back to the Future Part II.

Although mankind has seen many cool technological advancements since that 1989 film was released, it's a shame we still don't have hover cars or hoverboards. Or power laces and smart jackets, for that matter. No Jaws 19, either (though that one's probably for the best).

Crazy as it may seem, there is one prediction that might just prove to be true (sort of). In the movie, a hologram billboard congratulates the Chicago Cubs on winning the 2015 World Series by sweeping Miami. Well, it just so happens that the Cubs actually made it to the playoffs this year! Not only did they make it, but they also just won their Division Series, and now advance to the National League Championship for the first time since 2003!

They may not be facing Miami in the World Series (not only because Miami didn't make it to the playoffs, but also because they are both in the same league and couldn't play each other in the World Series anyway), but should the impossible occur, and the Cubs win it all this year, it would be nothing short of legendary. (It is important to note that the Cubs haven't won the World Series since 1908.)

Anyway, presumably in honor of the fast-approaching date, (as well as the 30th anniversary of the original movie) Telltale Games has released an updated version of Back to the Future: The Game for the PlayStation 4. The 30th Anniversary Edition now allows you to play the game with the character of Biff Tannen voiced by the actual movie actor, Thomas F Wilson. Play it on October 21st, as you cheer the Cubs on (hopefully, to a decisive victory) in Game 4 of the National League Championship Series.

Also out this week, a hack-and-slash Dragon Quest game, Wasteland 2, and the next entry in the World Rally Championship racing series. "I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season and put some money on the Cubbies." Proceed further to see more of this week's new releases.

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New Steam Store Releases: Soma

One of the most talked-about games to hit the Steam Store this week is Frictional Games' underwater sci-fi horror title, Soma. The game looks to be a bit like Amnesia meets BioShock, which is interesting enough in itself. On top of that, it seems like the story might be worth the price of admission, alone. I don't know about you, but I will definitely be checking this one out at some point.

Also new this week, Blood Bowl 2, a (so far) pretty tepidly-received enhanced port of Final Fantasy V, and an epically crazy sci-fi twin stick shooter called Assault Android Cactus. Talk about a dark descent, then proceed further to see more of this week's new releases.

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