New PlayStation Store Releases: Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture

Everybody's gone to the rapture. I guess that's the premise of the new game Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, by British developer The Chinese Room. I don't really know too much about the game, but if it's anything like its spiritual predecessor, Dear Esther, I would probably find it to be minimalistic, yet engaging, emotional, and beautiful. Also out this week, the first Toy Soldiers game to appear on a Sony console, Starbreeze's artistic twin-stick adventure game, and Goat Simulator. Go with everybody to the rapture, then proceed further to see more of this week's new releases.

PlayStation 4

[Image: The Chinese Room]


  1. Avatar
    Baby Sea Tuna says:

    I was psyched to see that Toy Soldiers game was out but it looks like in order to play with the GI Joe and He Man content (the main thing that originally piqued my curiosity) you’ve got to shell out twice the price of the base game:!/en-us/games/toy-soldiers-war-chest-hall-of-fame-edition/cid=UP0001-CUSA00428_00-B000000000001631?smcid=psblog:::ps-blog-2015-08-11-playstation-store-update-404
    Definitely a less appealing prospect.

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