Welcome, everyone to another edition of game club. Game club is not at all like Fight Club. We absolutely encourage you to talk about it.
As ever, we go in rounds and for this particular round, I’ve picked the stellar adventure game Beneath A Steel Sky.
Read on past the break to find out how this is going to work and what you need to do to get the game.

Beneath A Steel Sky is a post-apocalyptic game of a sort, in it, you play Robert Foster in an Australia that certainly could use a little more colour. This is an adventure game, which means that you point and click your way through conversations and puzzles.
This is also a game from the nineties and you can die in it, so save early and save often.
The plan for this particular game is that we’re going to play it across two weeks. During week one, we will be using the following walkthrough as our rough guide:
Getting The Game
This one’s not on Steam, but it is free from GOG. If you get the GOG version, it comes with a collection of interesting extras, most notably the comic book. The comic book is at least useful for story purposes and you should probably read that before you dive into the game proper. It can also be had from ScummVM’s website. That particular version doesn’t come with the extras.
Note that if you get the ScummVM version, you will absolutely want to run the game through ScummVM itself, since there isn’t an executable in that particular package, just game data.
[You can find the extras digging through the internet, since that’s essentially piracy, I’m not going to link to it, however, and you’re all smart people. I’m sure you’ll find what you’re after.]The SCUMMVM version is here: [both disk and CD-Rom versions]
Beneath A Steel Sky For ScummVM
The GOG version can be had here:
Note that you will have to make a free account with GOG in order to get access to this and all the extras.
Beneath A Steel Sky From The GOG Store
Dates And Stopping Point
We will be playing through roughly half of the game and stopping at the first LINC section. If you consult the walkthrough, you should search for LINC-SPACE and complete that section entirely. Once you are back in the “real world” make sure to save your game. That’s where we’ll pick up next week.
Our current date for the half-way point, where we discuss the game is: 30 October, 2016
If you’d like to join our discussion, please feel free to do so either on the Podcast we will be having [feel free to leave us a note here if you’d like to be included in that] or on the Twinstiq Group over on Steam or just feel free to talk here in this comments section.
We look forward to hearing from you.