Category: Uncategorized

Tales From The Borderlands Episode 2 Coming March 17th

Telltale Game Studios has announced that the second episode of Tales from the Borderlands will land on Consoles on March 17th. Carrying on immediately after he first episode, it carries on the journey of Ryhs and Fiona. The Ghost of Handome Jack also makes a swift appearance.

If you already own the Season Pass, you can get this completely free. If not, you will have to pay $4.99 / €4.99 / £3.99. There are still three more episodes after this one. At the current rate, it isn't likely to be complete before the summer.

Take a look at the trailer after the jump.

Steam Machines set to arrive in November, 2015

If you're not sure of which console to buy, because they're all trying to sell you games at 60 frames per second, perhaps it's time to consider another route? Maybe you should be putting a PC into your living room instead.

Valve certainly have banked on this particular idea, with the concept of the Steam Machine moving along at a [for Valve] rather brisk pace. You might be able to pick one up as soon as November, 2015.

The Valve Store page now includes listings for Steam Machines that ought to debut then. Some of the prices are pretty reasonable [$400 or so] while others are downright crazy [$5000].

Given these prices, though? You're probably better off just custom-buying your own machine.

Feel free to follow along past the break for the list of potential third party vendors:

The three big names throwing their hats into the ring are, naturally, Alienware, Asus and Gigabyte, while others have signed up to make some beautiful looking machines.  Here's the list with links to each store page:

Alienware - $479+
Alternate - $1099 - $1999
Asus - $699+
Digital Storm - $699
Falcon Northwest - $1999 - $4999 [!]Gigabyte - $599
iBuyPower - $459
Maingear - $849 - $899
Next - $799 - $1299
Origin - $899 - $4999 [!]Scan - $999 - $1299
Syber - $499 - $1399
Webhallen - $949
Zotac - $999

Far Cry 4 teams up with Reinhold Messner and visits the “Valley of the Yetis”

The new DLC for Far Cry 4, which gets released today for Xbox One/PC and tomorrow for PS4, puts you again into the shoes of Ajay Ghalilulelo, who crashes with his helicopter on top of the Himalayas (Zzz).
You will have to capture a camp (Zzzz), complete side quests during the day (Zzzzzz) which allow you to upgrade said camp (Zzz…Wait, what?) and defend it against waves of enemies at night (oh, so it’s every survival game since Minecraft…)

There are some legends, some secrets, a cult yadda yadda yadda…AND ACTUAL MOTHERHUGGING YETIS! Yes, YETIS! DLC of the year!

Read the full press release after the jump.
London, UK — March 9, 2015 — Ubisoft announced that Valley of the Yetis, the new add-on content for the award-winning shooter, Far Cry 4, will be released tomorrow, March 10, 2015 on Xbox Live for the Xbox One and Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC, and on March 11 on PlayStation Network for the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment systems.

Players have to explore and survive a valley on top of the Himalayas in Kyrat after Ajay’s helicopter crashes and leaves him stranded on a perilous ridge. In order to stay alive, players must capture a camp for shelter and guard it from a mysterious cult. But even if you successful against the cult, they must keep a look out for the fabled and dangerous yetis that populate the territory.

The Valley of the Yetis DLC includes:

  • A New Open World: Explore and survive a new environment in Kyrat. The beautiful and majestic top of the Himalayas await.
  • Defend and Upgrade Your Camp: Capture an enemy relay station to use as a safe house. Players will need to fortify the camp by completing side quests during the day, and defend it from waves of attackers at night.
  • Uncover the mystery: A mysterious cult inhabits this valley and now hides a secret based on ancient legends. Discover the secret behind the cult of The Awakened Ones and survive the yetis.

Valley of the Yetis is available as part of the Far Cry 4 Season Pass or can be purchased separately. The Season Pass includes Valley of the Yetis as well as The Syringe, Escape from Durgesh Prison, the Hurk Deluxe Pack and Overrun.

The Far Cry 4 Season Pass is available from PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, uPlay, Game, Amazon, and selected games retailers.

PSA: Club Nintendo still closing, last day to add coins is March 31 

Just in case you forgot (much like I did), you will only be able to obtain Club Nintendo coins until March 31. That's the end of this month. If you are like me, you have lots of surveys left to take. Once that is out of the way, you will have until June 30th to actually trade them in for a selection of eShop titles and a few nifty physical goodies. Those in the EU regions, who are used to stars (instead of coins), will be able to register and redeem until September 30th (unlike in the US).

Image: Nintendo

Dying Light, still shining bright in the UK

The new UKIE software chart for the week ending March 7 was released yesterday and it has Dying Light clinging to its first place for another week.
 GTA5 snatches back 2nd (up from 5th) and FIFA 15 also made it back into the Top 3 (up from 6th).
Zombie Army Trilogy debuts on 8 and Saints Row IV Re-Elected/Gat Out Of Hell makes it back into the Top 20 by placing 18th.

On the downward spiral we find Dragon Ball Xenoverse, which dropped to 5th (from 3rd), Evolve, already down to 9, AC Unity barely managed to stay in the Top 20 and The Order? Down to 7 after only 3 Weeks.

The full list after the break.

Opinion:  Some perspective on being an older gamer

Words by Greywolfe

I was born into a world of rotary-dial telephones. Back then, “technology” meant the distinction between having an eight track tape and regular magnetic tape. Vinyl as a means for distributing music was still a going concern and the war between VHS and Betamax was in full swing.

The point I’m really making is, that I have been around the block a handful of times. I have seen different computer standards come and go. I have witnessed the rise of home consoles and I was there when the arcades started to crumble.

I am what you might politely term an “elder gamer.”

My perspective on the hobby might be very different to yours. And I think that’s worth discussing.

In the bad old days, we used to use rotary telephone systems.  This meant that to dial a telephone number, you needed to pick the number and

Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

As you get older, things change

While there are a number of fantastic new games that utilize some very old ideas – Shovel Knight springs readily to mind in this context – a lot of the new games trying to emulate old games aren’t quite the same. For those of us who were there and saw the evolution of computers, we know when – in the example above – Shovel Knight stretches just a little so that it can do things no NES could ever hope to try.

So, technology advances and evolves, but other things are rather different, too. When I was younger, I had more time and less money. So, when I wanted to buy a game, I had to pick which game to get rather carefully. My anticipation levels around a particular release were far higher.

The minute I put down King’s quest III, all I could think about – in terms of gaming – was what new advances King’s Quest IV would bring. I would pour over magazines – a now-outmoded method of gaming news delivery – in search of scraps about that particular game. I would discuss it with my friends. We would make up stories around the game. Things we wanted to see. Things we were hoping would never happen. All of these things are functionally gone.

They’re now discussed on message boards, of course – people trading links about the latest Final Fantasy iteration, or discussing the patch notes of World of Warcraft, but the spinning out of ideas is mostly gone.

So, I didn’t have a lot of money for buying games. This meant that the games I did buy meant a lot. I would play them for hours, because that was my allowance and I was investing it in an entertainment product. And if that entertainment product was a bit iffy, didn’t matter. I’d sent my “hard earned” allowance on it.

In those days, I never had a backlog. Games were such a rarity that I would invariably only buy a handful in a year and those that I bought, i would play endlessly – spending long summer nights trying to work out the riddles in Conquests of Camelot. Or sitting in our empty house as we were moving, desperately trying to get my spells to the level cap of two hundred points in Quest for Glory 2.

Now, I have a backlog that I could never hope to finish in my lifetime – games that I have picked up on either a whim, or old-standing recommendation that I never played through in the before-times. I own every Police Quest for the sake of completeness, but refuse to play past the third game. That’s one item on my great, big checklist that will never be marked off, because the shift in tone from the third to the fourth game never got me interested enough to even play it past the first ten or so minutes.
Information overload is a common problem in a lot of jobs.  It's also a problem in entertainment, where - often, there's just too much reporting happening about a single product, making buyers /well/ aware of what they're getting into before they even get it home.

There are so many games to play now...which do I even choose?

Information Overload

One of the most interesting things about the modern era is the idea that there’s almost too much information about a game before it even hits store shelves. So much so, in fact that bullet points have started to have no meaning at all. Why are you trying to sell me on your game by telling me it runs at 60 frames per second? That's not a feature. That’s better technology.

Gaffes like this aside, in the past, there were only rather controlled press releases – and games publications that were rather tied to the publishers.

This is – most assuredly – not the case now. There are people playing games on the internet that you can watch, folks who are offering their opinions on blogs [like this one], connected friends on all sorts of systems that can share gaming recommendations. In short, there are lots of ways of getting your gaming news – which – to some extent, makes figuring out what to buy even harder. The news is now so overwhelming and about so many different topics that sorting the wheat from the chaff is increasingly more problematic.
Butterflies are great signifiers of change.  They start off as one thing and end up another - humans are the same.

In the end, everyone changes.

You are not the same person

But the biggest difference as an older gamer is that you are not the same person. The same motivators don’t drive you.  When I was a lot younger, I wanted to see what silly death would befall Roger Wilco [from Space Quest] next. This was one of those guiding principles of that series: Always make the deaths be funny – and – certainly – they are funny, but I want more from my games, now.

I want my games to tell engaging stories. I want to care about the characters. I want to have mechanics that help the story. I want to have different, unique protagonists. I want to have so many things that so many games aren’t doing. Does this make me less of a gamer? Not really, no. It just makes me a gamer in search of more substance to my games.

Do I not want there to be games like Mario Kart anymore? Or would I want Diablo to no longer exist? I think those types of games are absolutely important, but I want more experiences. I want more “To the Moon” – stories that tell themselves through games. I want more “Fez” where the mechanics mean a great deal to the game, where the game is more than just the zeroes and ones that exist on the screen. I want more stylistically intriguing games like “Child of Light.” Or games that imply a story like “Journey.”

All of these games make me feel things that go beyond “this is a fantastic game because it controls so well.” And I expect that – as I grow older, I will want even more meaning to come in the form of game-based stories. This is such a unique medium and it is being so under served.

Images courtesy of Pixabay

Freedom Planet Coming To Liberate the Wii U

Retro indie platformer Freedom Planet has been announced for release on the Wii U. "...Sometime near the end of the year", according to creator Stephen DiDuro's twitter account.

Freedom Planet started out as a fan tribute to the Sonic the Hedgehog games of the Sega Genesis. It later evolved into its own unique, but strongly influenced property. DiDuro's development studio, GalaxyTrail, released the game last year following a successful Kickstarter. It is currently available on GOG, Steam and the Humble Store.

[Image: GalaxyTrail]

Andrew J Amideo

M-M-M-Mo-Mo-Mo-Monster Weekly Webcomic Wrapup


I recently had a brief conversation on twitter about my first multiplayer gaming love: Arena shooters.

Especially Unreal Tournament saw a non-trivial amount of life-force sapping through my adolescent pores and while the “cool” kids argued whether the puny AWP Sniper in Counter Strike was OP, I was perfectly content with the inclusion of thermonuclear explosions in UT, courtesy of the Redeemer.

One fateful day however, even I succumbed to the siren song of walking slowly, peeking around corners and shooting people with underwhelming projectile weapons, aka. “The Realistic Modern Military Shooter”. Mind you, I am not talking about the philistine kind that Counter Strike embodies.
Sir! No Sir! My treachery goes even deeper.

I am embarrassed to admit it, but yes, I played America’s Army. Why? Hell if know, but it certainly helped that it was free to play, or as we knew it back then: Freeware.

And this is where the circle closes and this little anecdote finally gets to its point:

Unreal Tournament 4 is out. Actually it’s in pre-alpha, but you can play it and you should and it’s free and 12 year old me will finally crawl out of my subconscious and I will be able to enjoy life again to its fullest and people will find peace and the world will unite and we will no longer destroy gaming by fighting over who is destroying gaming and here are some webcomics!

Critical Miss (The Silence)
MGDMT (Five Years of MGDMT)
Ready Soup (Just Saiyan)
Nerd Rage (Longer Than The Namek Saga)
Actiontrip (
Gamers Have Their Own VR)
Dark Legacy Comics (The Unspeakables)

Dragon Ball Xenoverse: Why is this Game so Polarizing?


This is an actual move, not a cinematic, and it never gets old :p

Dragon Ball Xenoverse has been one of those rare cases where particular elements are being bashed by one critic and praised by another.  We have many reviewers raving about the game and many others that it just doesn’t click with. Meanwhile, the user reviews are significantly more positive than those from the critics, meaning this game certainly has an audience. 

After the break, we’ll explore what it is about this game that is causing such a love/hate divide.

First off, the combat system is a tad peculiar. The game borrows a lot of ideas from Dragon Ball: Battle of Z. In fact, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to call this game a sequel to it. However, this game has made improvements to the system through the use of special attacks as combos.  Unlike in Battle of Z, special attacks can be chained together with regular attacks allowing the player to create their own combos. Without fully exploring this system, combat in the game feels stale, resulting in some of the negative opinions.  Aside from having more freedom to chain together special attacks, the system has other welcome improvements.  Characters are no longer impervious to attack the moment a combo ends meaning that team battles open up the possibility for some truly amazing combos with your teammates, as well as the ability to get incredibly irritated with your enemies.  Characters are still invulnerable when knocked onto the ground, however it doesn’t feel as stiff as it did in Battle of Z thanks to the change in what triggers that invulnerability, as stated earlier. This doesn’t mean that you will be trapped in an infinite combo if you are outnumbered, but it does mean you want to find a teammate fast.  Despite all of the improvements, the game still isn’t as deep as what was seen in Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and 3, and I believe that is ultimately why the combat system is considered to be disappointing for many.

Despite the improved combat system, the game has an odd focus on your created character and only your created character. It is built like an RPG/MMORPG, yet most of the depth in the combat comes from playing the canonical characters.  For the first time since Burst Limit, fighters truly feel unique. The same button combo with one character won’t do the same thing with another, and because of the aforementioned chaining of special moves, this is a big deal.  Players need to learn the character they play as in order to do well. No longer is the game a battle of who picked the strongest character, although that admittedly still plays a role.  For those that haven’t played the game yet, this may not sound like a problem at all, in fact, it is a great thing.  The issue however, is that the game never encourages you to play as anything but your created character.  The purpose of questing is to build up your character for the next story mission, and the player is limited to his/her created character in those missions. In order to play as the canonical characters, the player must go to the online/offline battle counter and play a match that doesn’t count towards anything other than rewarding your time with a little bit of money. Even if you play your created character in these matches, you won’t get any experience for your efforts. These matches are not worked into the RPG-esque progression path in any way, making either the RPG system or the battle system feel out of place, depending on your perspective.

With that said, the game’s RPG elements aren’t fleshed out as much as they should be, which is odd since that is the primary focus of the game. The unique fighting styles of each character in battle mode bring out this flaw even more.
Every single created Saiyan character will attack the same way as every other created Saiyan character and the same is true for each of the five races.  As stated before, the player can change their special moves, which do offer a good bit of freedom, but it isn’t enough for a game that pushes you to play as one single character for hours and hours. Without a staggering amount of depth, playing one character ad nauseam makes the combat feel bland, which makes the critiques against the game fully justified.  Another feature of the game which makes the design decisions seem even more boneheaded is the Mentor system which allows you to choose a mentor and learn their special moves.
This sounds like a great idea, right? It is, however it would be nice if they did more with it. You only learn their special moves. The system should have been designed so that your created character could adopt the master’s fighting style as well as their special techniques. Ultimately, the Mentor system is a real tease for what it could have been, although not bad when taken for what it is.

On the topic of half-hearted design, the ally AI in Dragon Ball Xenoverse is certainly lacking. When I say it is lacking, I mean it is visibly lacking. In this case, a video speaks louder than words. That is only one of many examples of the frustrating ally AI in this game though. Your fellow computers will often get stuck on a path to revive you, stand just outside your healing circle, or flat out ignore that you are dead, only to be pummeled because they are too incompetent to fight back. Don’t worry, the enemies will always be able to get to you and beat you up if you are in their line of sight, and they’ll do it noticeably better than your offline companions. But bad team AI shouldn’t be such a problem since the game is multiplayer focused, right?
As of the date this article is posted, playing online is totally unreliable. The connection to the server is constantly shaky, causing a return to the home screen. In a few cases, the game has been caught in an infinite loop while trying to login, forcing me to completely shut down the game and start it back up. The problem is significantly worse on the PC version, forcing the player to put Steam into offline mode in order to play the game at all. On console, or at least on PS4, it is an inconvenience since selecting the single player lobby is truly single player.  As an addendum, online is only available for regular battles and parallel quests, not story quests, so the player will still need to put up with shoddy AI in the story. Because the ally AI is awful, the game can be a little difficult.

Actually, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is ******* hard!  The difference between this game’s difficulty and games such as Dark Souls or Shovel Knight is that Dragon Ball Xenoverse throws out enemies that do more damage and have more health than you, and not by a little bit. Since the beginning of gaming, this has been the easy method of creating difficulty and it can be frustrating.  The game forces the player to grind through parallel quests, which are the non-story quests that can be completed in order to gain loot and level up, and then take on the next saga of the story. For a skilled player, he/she may only need to play through the parallel quests one time in order to get strong enough, but it will be a struggle.

With all of that said, I came to a realization the other day: This is exactly how the storyline of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z worked. Some villain shows up that can take more hits and do more damage than ever seen before, so now all the heroes need to get stronger to face the new evil, or die anyway if their names are Krillin or Yamcha. I don’t want to excuse the lazy design, but I can’t completely hate it either. It truly feels like you are a Dragon Ball character and it feels rewarding to win. Again, a skilled player can conquer an overpowered enemy. It isn’t all about stats.

All things considered, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a great game with a mediocre presentation. The best features of the game are tucked away so that the player needs to find them, the AI leaves much to be desired and the RPG elements needed just a little more time in the oven.  Overall, it is a fantastic game for Dragon Ball fans, although it will disappoint those wanting a great fighter or a great RPG. It is instead a good brawler, possibly misunderstood, with RPG elements that weren’t quite fully realized, and that is why I think the game is so polarizing. There is a lot to like and a few big things to hate, so it comes down to what the player expects from the game and what they can tolerate.

A golden opportunity!

Hey you,

Yeah you,

Are you a college student? Do you play video games? Are you tired of all these questions? I know I am! Well let me explain where I'm getting at with all this interrogation.


Blizzard Entertainment and TeSPA are offering both undergrads and graduate students in the North America region a chance to win up to $25,000 a year by competing in its Heroes of the Dorm tournament.

Now what exactly do you have to do?

Step 1: Sign up your team, the team itself is comprised of five individuals.
Step 2: Compete Online with your team through group stages in the Open Qualifying rounds..
Step 3: Advance to the Top 64 Single Elimination Bracket Play.
Step 4: Prove your skills in the Heroic Four at the Live Finals Event.
Psst, by the way, it'll be televised live on ESPN for all of your family and friends to see.

To enter your team now just follow this link here: Registration and get gaming!

Now here's what makes this worth the while.

Prizes Include:
Winning Team: The five players on the winning team will earn the tuition for their college career!

  • Fourth year students on the winning team can win up to $25,000 to pay back college expenses

Top 4 Teams: Epic Gaming System for Heroes of the Storm

  • Each member of the winning team will receive:
  • Intel i7-4790K CPU
  • GIGABYTE GA-Z97X-Gaming 7 Motherboard
  • GIGABYTE GTX 960 series Graphics Card
  • Intel 530 Series 180GB SSD
  • 8GB (4x2) 2133 MHz DDR3 Memory
  • Rosewill Star Predator Case
  • Rosewill PSU: Arc 750
  • HyperX Cloud II Headset
  • SteelSeries Heroes of the Storm Mousepad

* Also includes an all expenses paid trip to the Finals.

Top 64 Teams: Teams that make it to the Round of 64 will receive a $40 Balance Card to help you stock up on heroes for the competition ahead.

·         All Teams: Free Beta Access

The prizes don't stop there!

Not only are Blizzard and TeSPA giving away prizes just for showing interest in the game, but they are also giving away prizes for those who compete it it's Fantasy Pick's during the tournament. Here are the prizes:

Top 5 Predictions will each receive

  • Epic Gaming System for Heroes of the Storm
  • HyperX Cloud II Headset
  • SteelSeries Heroes of the Storm Mousepad
  • Top prediction will also receive $10,000!

25 Randomly Selected Winners will get one of the following

  • Epic Gaming System for Heroes of the Storm (x5)
  • SteelSeries Heroes of the Storm Gaming Mouse (x10)
  • HyperX Cloud II Headset (x5)
  • SteelSeries Heroes of the Storm Mousepad (x5)

    • All Fantasy Bracket Participants Exclusive
    • Exclusive "Heroes of the Dorm" in-game Azmodan Portrait

Registration is going fast, so you better get going soon!

As always, Keep playing!

(Photos Courtesy of Blizzard)