Good morning on this holiday weekend everyone. So far it's a beautiful day and I get to go to work and do some house painting. But, it's okay because there's also a BBQ directly afterwards that will involve steaks and beer so I'm happy to do it.
I haven't paid a lot of attention to the goings on of various WRUP related things as I've been quite a busy Scrooloose what with weather clearing and people wanting work. Today is no different, I'll be leaving after writing this and then taking Sunday with family, then back to it on Monday. Not that I'm complaining, the money coming in is welcome and bills don't pay themselves so off I go with a smile on my face.
This popped up though in the ol' work group and I figured I'd share it here. It's as good a place as any, right? It seems folks are noticing that their old Wii U handhelds are failing to work after a long period of down time. It turns out that the failure at least appears to be caused by the internal storage failing, particularly Hynix branded NAND chips. NAND storage is popular because it enables higher density storage on less surface area and is quite a bit faster than a typical spinning HDD. Solid state also means no moving parts which makes it ideal for handhelds where there's likely to be some bumping. The Wii U came with three potential brands of this NAND storage, Hynix, Samsung and Toshiba. According to the info given from NintendoSoup it's possible to check the brand your Wii U has using a couple of different ways. You can choose to pop the case open and actually look at the chip on the PCB, there should be a branding stamp there. Another is to run some software, "mdinfo" and it'll identify your NAND. I have no idea how safe this software is, so do so at your own risk if you choose. There's a GitHub link provided for said software on the NintendoSoup page I've linked above.
That's it from me. Enjoy your holiday if you're observing it, in any case just have a good weekend. And don't eat that stuff... bunnies don't lay colored eggs. That should be a red flag right there.
What are we playing?
Scrooloose: Another busy weekend for me, probably some more Diablo 3 and I may pick up Everspace 2 and or Dredge - I have interest in both.
Greywolfe: finished off omensight for the most part. that game is pretty good. it definitely learned from stories in how it wove it's narrative. [it's a lot more character focused, for one] - and all i really want to do is go back and grab the last few collectibles/memories so that i can have a more full understanding of how things all fit together. so that means, i'm going to start a new game. which will be ghost of a tail, a game i've tried before, but didn't get very far in. so we'll see how it goes.
AJ: Fire Emblem: Awakening and Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds