Stuff and Things for WRUP

Good early morning everyone and welcome to the third month in our year of the WRUP 2022. I don't know about you but I have more less fallen ass deep into the tarnished Elden Ring hole... you know what I mean. I'm playing a lot. I don't know how it's even possible but I have over 70 hours in the game already. If I'm not working, I'm farming runes or finding bell bearings or farming runes and new gear from some wandering knight or just exploring the beautiful world. I love it so far. I say 'so far' like 70 hours isn't enough to really know. Anyways, let's looks at the WRUPses.

In my constant seething hatred for crytpto currencies and NFT scamming I've seen a couple of things that have reassured me that I'm not the only one. Gabe Newell of all people seems pretty strongly against it even after Steam had been accepting crypto for quite a while even saying that folks who deal in the stuff are "Not people you want to be doing business with". Though to be clear it doesn't seem that it's about Crypto and NFT's themselves but more to do with the people who are involved. But to be real, that's more or less why I don't like it as well. Well, that and the fact that it takes entire towns worth of energy to produce crypto and NFT producers are destroying actual one of a kind physical objects after taking pictures of them to add to the blockchain and sell as NFTs. Everthing from books to baseball cards. Even Magic the Gathering's most rare cards are victimized and creator Wizards of the Coast don't care for that shit at all. On the other side of things a website called Extremely Fungible Tokens has gone up that provides people with similarly styled pics to use absolutely for free. Sort of an antithesis to NFT bullshittery and I say more power to this kind of thing.

Okay What Are We Playing

Greywolfe: i started a second run of the messenger, which is winding down. i love the game's platforming to bits. it's so responsive and fun. the bosses, however, are the worst. i hope these developers never do this again in a game they make. [they're making a second game right now, so i hope they learned a thing or two along the way.] - other than that, i'm also playing a super slow burn good run of infernax. as i mentioned last week, infernax is great. if you have any desire for an old-school simon's quest like game, you should definitely try this.

AJ: Picked up a few more games for my new (old) PS2: Devil May Cry 3, King of Fighters 2000/2001, and NeoGeo Battle Coliseum. It's kind of crazy how easy it still is to find reasonably priced sealed titles for a 21-year-old game console.

Scrooloose: I'm going to continue beating my head against Elden Ring between jobs this weekend.

Yoda: [Once again I assume withe Lost Ark or Elden Ring for Yoda]