Here, Take This WRUP

Good morning or whatever time of day it happens to be wherever you are. It's time for yet more WRUP. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day around these parts, nearly 70 and I think I'll take the opportunity to get some more wood cut and split since I sort of fell behind during October thanks to things be extra busy. I also need to blow out this computer because holy smokes it's dusty in there. Winter preparations, house cleaning and general boring-ass chores are the theme for the day. Yay for me. Okay let's look at a PlayStation centric WRUP.

It looks like Amazon and Best Buy have reduced the price of the very well made DualSense controller. It's an early black Friday deal, which... god I hate it so much, but okay yeah the price has come down from $69.99 to $49.99. Pretty decent discount and all colors are on sale, so if you're in the market for a new PS5 controller maybe this is a sale for you. Amazon here and over here is Best Buy.

Speaking of PS5, and PS4, Sony is moving away from screenshot sharing to Twitter, sorry "X" (I say with the utmost derisiveness). As of the 13th of this very month of November you'll no longer be able to use that share button on your controller. We can speculate a little and say that this is perhaps due to a lack of bill paying as that seems to be how Musk has handled every other platform the former, Twitter was involved with. Or as Eurogamer has suggested, the opposite in that X is asking Sony for fees. Or any number of reasons silly or pragmatic. Either way you've only got a couple more days to share directly via your console. You'll still be able to use your PlayStation mobile app to download your content and share that way though, so all is not lost. Here's some info from Eurogamer

What's on the list this weekend?

Greywolfe: finished up that very slow run-through of quest for glory 1. it was a lot of fun. very helpful for future randomizers i may tackle, since i ended up attempting to do every variation of every path as my stats allowed for it. right now, i'm tackling king's quest 5, which probably won't be a very long game at all, and then i'll be settling in and trying stray.

AJ: 've acquired a Pac-Man "countercade" (smaller size arcade unit for the countertop) that also includes 4 other Namco classics, so I'll likely be breaking that in over the weekend. I also just picked up Afterimage for the PS5, so I'll probably play that a bit as well.

Scrooloose: I'll be deep in Lords of the Fallen but since The Invincible was released I may also pick that up. Especially at its fair price of $30.