So I was playing with boats in Just Cause 3 and I decided, just 'cause (see what I did there?), to see just how long it would take to encircle the islands and then bore you guys with some math about the whole experience. So I had the rebel forces drop me a fast boat and I set up my stop watch. The image below shows the path I took.Just Cause 3 has a map size that claims 400 square miles, which translated puts the playable area at around 1036 square kilometers. My trip around Medici didn't include the Volcano in the northwest portion of the map, nor did it include Boom Island to the far southwest, which is covered by the logo in the image above. I chose to circle the islands central to play and I started and ended the trip to the far southeast at one of the bases in Sirocco Sud. Travel was done clockwise around the islands giving the land a fair berth to avoid restricted areas and slow speeds.
I did this with a series of way points and by the time the test was over I had traveled a distance of 85 kilometers or around 52 miles and it took me 48 minutes and 20 seconds at around an average speed of 62 knots, or 115.9 kilometers per hour, or 72 miles per hour. Calculated that puts the area inside my travel at around 216 square miles or 559 square kilometers. So if it were a real place the island of Medici would be roughly comparable in size to the Isle Of Man between Ireland and the U.K. which weighs in at around 221 square miles, or 572 square kilometers.Perspective can be pretty cool. On the one hand 400 square miles is a big ass area and a huge achievement to create in a game world. Props to Avalanche. On the other hand in real life terms there have been wildfires that size here in California in fairly recent history. For instance, the Rim fire burned very close to where I live and covered a little over 400 square miles.
Another thing Just Cause 3 has is probably the best ocean I've seen built in a game. Now facts aside, here are a few screen shots from JC3 boat trip!