I love the ocean. In fact I once had an opportunity to work on an ocean research vessel that routed between California and Hawaii. I didn't take the job. I was too young and I wasn't ready to do something that big yet. But thinking back on it now I kick myself. I've swam with sharks and sting rays in Bora Bora. I've swam in the shallows in Tahiti. It was lovely to be there floating in that warm, crystal clear water. But deep -truly deep water, scares me. Earth's oceans are the least explored places on the planet. And for good reason. It's a beautiful place, romantic and mysterious. It piques our human curiosity and makes us wonder while also being a dark, hostile environment that would crush anything not meant for it's cold depths to dust without a moments hesitation. Subnautica is a story about an ocean. But also more. Stick with me and I'll tell you what I thought of my play through. Read more