Post-P.T. Petition

Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro's playable teaser for Silent Hills has undoubtedly struck a cord with gamers. Although rarely making a difference, petitions are good for catching attention and raising awareness on an issue, and so user Yauheni Zinkevich has created one to demand that production on the game continues in one form or another.
The petition is addressed to Kojima and Del Toro specifically, asking for Kojima Productions to continue work on a Konami franchise, but may be far fetched at this point with all that's happened.

Del Toro has expressed that he still wishes the game could see the light of day, "We wanted to do some stuff that I’m pretty sure – just in case it ever comes back, which honestly I would love for somebody to change their mind and we can do it – but in case it comes back there was some stuff that was very new, and I wouldn’t want to spoil it."

He then notes that it would be difficult to continue in the gaming space after experience two heartbreaks in a row. “Well, you know, I’ve tried twice and I don’t know if I’ll ever come back to the form. In one instance, the company went down, and in the second, the completely unexpected happened, which was Kojima and Konami separating. It’s kind of left me reeling.”

As a huge fan of P.T., I hope that this work of passion is able to continue in some form.

Source: Cinemablend
Quotes: IGN

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