Perception Kickstarter has just 4 days to go and I almost missed it!

This is what happens when I stop paying attention to video games (and get salty about Nintendo), I almost miss Kickstarter projects that just look amazing deserve attention from horror fans like myself.  Full disclosure: I like this game and I'm posting about it because I want you to like it too.
I could go be all proper and completely rewrite all the information found on the project's Kickstarter page but I'll be brief and to the point: in Perception you play as a blind woman exploring a haunted house. She can only "see" by tapping her cane and the house's otherworldly elements can hear that tapping. There's the trade-off: you open yourself to risk just to navigate the environment. If you get spotted, you must run for your life because there's no combat. You navigate by echolocation and survive by wit and evasion.
Perception  is sporting a cool visual presentation and those production values really shine (check out the video on the Kickstarter page and look at the wind during Cassie's approach to the house). I'll be blunt: I'll always prefer combat in my horror games but this one has my attention and my support (another disclosure: I backed the project).


Source:  Kickstarter

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