E3 2015:  King’s Quest, Episode 1 On Its Way

King’s Quest – a venerable gaming franchise from the 1980’s is slowly but surely coming back to life.  It is being bought to modern audiences through the combined efforts of a reborn Sierra On-Line and a development studio known as The Odd Gentleman.

As per news from E3, this new team is starting a whole new adventure in the land of Daventry in July, 2015.

Follow along after the break for more information.

King Graham was the protagonist of most of the King's Quest games.  In this particular game, he is your guide through the story.

The now-ancient King Graham tells stories of his youth to his granddaugther, Gwendolyn
King’s Quest will be an episodic game that tells stories from the history of King Graham’s many feats and accomplishments.  The first such instalment tells of how he became a knight in Service of King Edward and is called A Knight To Remember.

This new venture will not be in the style of the old games; instead, it will feature a little bit of action along with puzzle-solving elements that utilize an inventory.  The backbone of the first episode will be somewhat open-world in that you should be able to go and solve puzzles in any place and at any time.

The current platforms for release are PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC [via Steam]

Get ready, for your legacy awaits.

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