We Happy Few – A new perspective

I'm excited for this title. I'm excited for the artwork, the creativity, the scripts even the music the list just continues. So I want to apologize in the beginning because I'm currently drooling over my keyboard.

We Happy Few - Welcome to Wellington Wells, you Saucy Minx  has but 12 days left on Kickstarter, and I'm going to be sad if this one doesn't make it.  Now normally I don't pimp out random titles I find while searching through pages of Kickstarter, but this one had me wrapped up in it's story-line the moment I clicked on the trailer.

Take a moment and watch the announcement trailer with your old friend, Uncle Jack.
A simple survival game with a twist. You have to stay 'happy' by taking 'joy' or the entire town will turn on you and bash your head in. The people of Wellington Wells are suspicious and have a ton of secrets that you as the main character have to find out. You have to survive, by any means necessary and uncover the dark history surround the townsfolk.This game has a completely different art style that I can't put my finger on. The game-play reminds me of BioShock, but instead of powers you get a melee weapon and a stamina based combat system.  Not only do you have to worry about stamina but also have to control your thirst and hunger. This can add to the challenge of fitting in when you're constantly breaking and entering to collect food and drinks from unsuspecting homes. To make it more entertaining, while searching you also stumble upon crafting materials for different weapons, lock-picks and other craft-able items.

The game was introduced earlier this year at PAX with a showcase and is currently in the pre-alpha. Joshua Mills, one of the game designers at Complusion games has a 15 minute play-through video posted to Youtube to give fans who have already donated to the Kickstarter an idea of what to expect.

Each encounter is different, but you are only given one life, and one life alone. If you die or even beat the game you go on to start it all over again with different loot, encounters, everything! You'll never play the same game twice basically.

I hope you guys take the time to actually check this one out!

Kickstarter: We Happy Few

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