Category: PlayStation

Bloodborne 1.03 Patch Details

Long load times  are going to see improvements with Bloodborne's 1.03 patch, as well as other performance enhancements. Sony notes that network downtime will be necessary to update server software, and they are targeting 1:00 am PT on a non-Friday to disrupt the smallest amount of users possible.
Developers are going through community feedback concerning game issues, as well as comments on this PlayStation blog post, so be sure to share your findings if you have any. Also check the post for instructions on configuring your router for optimal online play.

Star Ocean 5 Announced for PS3 and PS4

Originally teased on Square Enix's web site, Star Ocean 5 has finally been confirmed in this week's edition of Famitsu. Few details are known about the project, but tri-Ace has been revealed as the developer. Known for previous Star Ocean games, they have also worked on Final Fantasy XIII-2 and XIII-3.
Some screenshots have been scanned in from the magazine by Kotaku, and you can check them out here. The projected release date is currently unknown.
Source: Siliconera

New Gameplay Footage in Dissidia Trailer, PS4 Screenshot

Dissidia Final Fantasy is doing the character-focused trailer thing that seems to be prevalent in recent marketing strategies. Kicking off the first of what is sure to be many trailers to come stars Final Fantasy XIV's Y'shtola. We can glean some interesting information about the game from the video, check it out after the break.

You can see a map of the battle arena, and it appears that five characters are fighting each other at once. The other characters appear to be Lightning (FFXIII), Cloud (FFVII), as well as some others I'm unable to identify. According to SquarePortal, an Onion Knight (FFIII), and Terra (FFVI), will also be playable, and the game will feature a 3 vs 3 battle system.

A PlayStation 4 version seems to be in the works, as a screenshot from that version is already available.

Team Ninja on Next Dissidia, Sony Wants Console Version

The developers that brought you Dead or Alive are currently collaborating on the next Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Sony is also in discussions with Square Enix on bringing the game to consoles.
Square Enix is stating that the game will remain an arcade exclusive for at least a year, but Atsushi Morita of Sony Computer Entertainment is discussing the possibilities of a console release with the company. Meanwhile, Koei Tecmo's Team Ninja are hard at work co-developing the newest iteration of the franchise.
Source: Destructoid

New PlayStation Store Releases: Dark Souls II Deluxe Now Dealing Death On PS4

PlayStation 4 devotees determined to double down on a decidedly distinct brand of From Software discipline can delight in the digital delivery of the newly re-distributed definitive edition of Dark Souls "deux" (dropping this very day). Besides the bleak older brother of Bloodborne, bearers of the PS4 can also benefit by re-buying the just-a-bit brighter and basically brilliant Bastion. Be sure to bring yourself beyond the break in order to better view the entire batch of new releases.
PlayStation 4

[Image: Bandai Namco Games]

Bloodborne Bug Binds Bosses


For whatever reason, it appears that bosses in Bloodborne exhibit heavily restricted move sets, almost handicapping them completely in some cases. Read on for exploit details.
If you leave Bloodborne running for around 12 hours or more, even in rest mode, an alleged memory leak will trigger heavily restricted bosses. Redditor Meatballz noticed the bug and posted videos online comparing the different boss behavior.
Logarius in a typical encounter
Logarius while affected by the exploit
From Software and Sony Japan Studios have yet to issue a comment addressing the bug.

Source: Eurogamer

PS4 Mortal Kombat X To Support PS3 Arcade Sticks

In their March 19th Twitch broadcast, NetherRealm Studios revealed that the upcoming PlayStation 4 version of Mortal Kombat X will support at least two of the older PlayStation 3 arcade sticks (watch at 38:30 and 46:15). Only the Mortal Kombat 9 Fight Stick (shown above) and the Injustice Fight Stick were specifically mentioned in the video but others may be supported as well. No further details were provided, however it was stated that "more information would come out about that later".
While there aren't currently any games on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 that support last generation arcade sticks, this is the second time a developer has mentioned the feature as being planned for an upcoming PS4 title. Back in October, Polygon reported that Lab Zero Games was working on implementing PS3 arcade stick support for the PS4 version of Skullgirls. That game should be launching in the near future as well. As of yet, there has been no word about a similar feature coming to the Xbox One version of Mortal Kombat X or Skullgirls.
[Image: Warner Bros]

Andrew J Amideo

PSA: PlayStation Vita Settlement Comes Through

Have you bought a PlayStation Vita before June 1, 2012, and do you live in the US? You might be able to get in on a settlement that could net you $25 cash (or PSN credit), or over $50 worth of free games (valued up to $100). Check out how after the break.
You'll have to visit the Vita Claims site and fill out this PDF form, and select your compensation. Check here for a list of games you could choose from if you don't want the cash/credit payout, in three different packs.
Source: Vita Claims